“The pageant turned painful for Miss USA Rachel Smith, who suffered a rough trek in the evening gown phase. The high-heels proved hellish as she fell to the stage. She made a quick recovery and the judges showed lenience. The audience seemed less forgiving. During the question and answer segment, the crowd in Mexico City taunted the contestant with loud boos and whistles. Smith stuck to game plan and finished as fourth runner-up.”…… Breibart News
That crowd in Mexico City isn’t made up of potential “illegal immigrants”; it is made up of the Mexican socialites, elitists and the well to do. Wouldn’t one assume that these people would be thankful to the United States for taking the dregs of its society as they sneak across the border, use our emergency rooms, welfare system, commit crimes in unprecedented proportions and fill our jails? Why would they boo and hiss this young woman? It’s simple, because she is an American.
As our politicians sell us out for their own sake, putting all Americans at risk because of the new immigration amnesty law, they can slap each other on the back and high five one another in their geek, nerd like manner, but they have betrayed our trust and their vow to the constitution.
I heard an interesting question the other day; where is the special interest for America? Every group in our country has one but not our country. No one protects the integrity of America when it is constantly put down and denigrated in the press and by our own politicians. So, the rest of the world watches and sees this lack of respect. There is no one out there to counter this, to speak up and point out how much our country gives to the rest of the world. Our history has been to give, sacrifice and die for other people, people we don’t personally know but have suffered injustices. We feed, clothe and tend to the poor of nations that have nothing and they boo a young lady sent to represent us.
I don’t want to stop helping those that need it, I just want respect and an occasional "thank you" would be nice.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Alien Nation
In a FoxNews.com story, dated May 10th, 2007, the citizenship status of the six men who were plotting to attack Fort Dix in New Jersey was disclosed. Here is what it said;
“ The six — Tatar, 23; Abdullahu, 24; Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer, 22; Dritan "Anthony" or "Tony" Duka, 28; Shain Duka, 26; and Eljvir "Elvis" Duka, 23 — appeared in federal court Tuesday in Camden and were ordered held without bail for a hearing Friday. Three were in the United States illegally; two had green cards allowing them to stay in the country permanently; and one is a U.S. citizen.”
Three were in the country illegally. In another FOXNews.com story dated May 9th, 2007, it says that the three brothers accused of the terror plot “entered the United States near Brownsville, Texas”. Another quote from that same article says;
“A federal law enforcement source confirmed to FOX News that the three — Dritan "Anthony" or "Tony" Duka, 28; Shain Duka, 26; and Eljvir "Elvis" Duka, 23 — also accumulated 19 traffic citations, but because they operated in "sanctuary cites," where law enforcement does not routinely report illegal immigrants to homeland security, none of the tickets raised red flags.”
Whatever you want to call these three; illegal immigrants, paperless immigrants, unauthorized immigrants, resident aliens, illegal aliens or undocumented guest workers, they weren’t suppose to be here.
Our government, led by the likes of George Bush and Ted Kennedy, decided in it’s infinite wisdom that everyone that has snuck in the back door of our country will have the right to stay here; it’s called AMNESTY! Despite the fact that 27% of the inmates in our federal prisons are illegal aliens (my name choice), our government is going to just keep them all here. I guess when you live in gated communities and have secret service agents protecting you, it doesn’t matter who you allow to run loose on the streets.
Lawmakers are telling us we need to pass immigration reform because there is nothing guiding us in this crisis. Well, I think they might be wrong and we do have a law already in place that if enforced would solve everything;
“Under Title 8 Section 1325 of the U.S. Code, "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who:
• Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or
• Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or
• Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact;
has committed a federal crime.
Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.”
This from “Americanpatrol.com”.
We have been betrayed by our political leaders; they have mocked those that have used legal means to live in our country, they have persecuted those who work to protect our borders, they have allowed illegal aliens to flood our emergency rooms and welfare systems and they have allowed criminals to prey upon innocent people. As with the invading barbarians that overwhelmed ancient Rome, destroying their culture and their very civilization, I am going to be very politically incorrect and say the illegals will do the same to our country. And we can thank our sanctimonious leaders for letting it happen.
“ The six — Tatar, 23; Abdullahu, 24; Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer, 22; Dritan "Anthony" or "Tony" Duka, 28; Shain Duka, 26; and Eljvir "Elvis" Duka, 23 — appeared in federal court Tuesday in Camden and were ordered held without bail for a hearing Friday. Three were in the United States illegally; two had green cards allowing them to stay in the country permanently; and one is a U.S. citizen.”
Three were in the country illegally. In another FOXNews.com story dated May 9th, 2007, it says that the three brothers accused of the terror plot “entered the United States near Brownsville, Texas”. Another quote from that same article says;
“A federal law enforcement source confirmed to FOX News that the three — Dritan "Anthony" or "Tony" Duka, 28; Shain Duka, 26; and Eljvir "Elvis" Duka, 23 — also accumulated 19 traffic citations, but because they operated in "sanctuary cites," where law enforcement does not routinely report illegal immigrants to homeland security, none of the tickets raised red flags.”
Whatever you want to call these three; illegal immigrants, paperless immigrants, unauthorized immigrants, resident aliens, illegal aliens or undocumented guest workers, they weren’t suppose to be here.
Our government, led by the likes of George Bush and Ted Kennedy, decided in it’s infinite wisdom that everyone that has snuck in the back door of our country will have the right to stay here; it’s called AMNESTY! Despite the fact that 27% of the inmates in our federal prisons are illegal aliens (my name choice), our government is going to just keep them all here. I guess when you live in gated communities and have secret service agents protecting you, it doesn’t matter who you allow to run loose on the streets.
Lawmakers are telling us we need to pass immigration reform because there is nothing guiding us in this crisis. Well, I think they might be wrong and we do have a law already in place that if enforced would solve everything;
“Under Title 8 Section 1325 of the U.S. Code, "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who:
• Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or
• Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or
• Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact;
has committed a federal crime.
Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.”
This from “Americanpatrol.com”.
We have been betrayed by our political leaders; they have mocked those that have used legal means to live in our country, they have persecuted those who work to protect our borders, they have allowed illegal aliens to flood our emergency rooms and welfare systems and they have allowed criminals to prey upon innocent people. As with the invading barbarians that overwhelmed ancient Rome, destroying their culture and their very civilization, I am going to be very politically incorrect and say the illegals will do the same to our country. And we can thank our sanctimonious leaders for letting it happen.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Table For Two.....Overlooking The Water
A pinko friend of mine recently sent me an email accusing the Bush administration of being the most corrupt in history. We made a small wager. I proved him wrong by sending him the endless list of allegations, investigations and convictions incurred by Clinton and his advisors and members of his administration. In return he sent me this email;
"Sam, I see your list of CLINTON MACHINE CRIMES
So now tell me who they were and what their penalites and/or time in jail was. You can provide me with all the so-called allegations and accusations you want, but as you remember $75,000,000 or more was spent by Ken Starr and his right wing lawyers and the only thing they found Clinton did illegally was lying to a grand jury (perjury) for which he was impeached but not found guilty. Yes i agree that a couple other people in his administration committed some trivial crimes like taking free tickets, etc., but every politician does that. I see your source is the Washington Times, which is owned by the Moonies. good source of info. Ha. you need to do better than this. As soon as Abramoff gets done confessing you are going to see a lot more of your republican friends in congress going to jail. how many politicians and staff members went to jail during the clinton administration; only a few. good try but not good enough. from the looks of all the emails you sent me it appears you have too much time on your hand. get a life and i agree with your parents; you shouldn't send them garbage."
A scathing reply but unfortunately for the left, it merely confirms what my earlier blog said about the pinkos being brainwashed.
According to CNN, he was a little off on how much Ken Starr, who by the way was appointed by Clinton, spent on his investigation. He said it was $75,000,000.00 or more but in reality;
“The figures show that Starr's office, through the end of November 1998, had spent $40,835,000. That includes $27,749,000 in direct expenses from independent counsel appropriations and $13,086,000 in unreimbursed expenses incurred by other government agencies.”
Also, according to the same CNN article;
“The most expensive independent counsel probe to date still belongs to Iran-Contra Counsel Lawrence Walsh, who spent $47.4 million.”
So, “when Clinton lied, nobody died” lives and thrives in the pinko minds like a flesh eating bacteria devouring their skulls full of mush. But if you are interested in seeing the “trivial crimes” committed by Clinton and his group, check out this site;
There are just too many to list here.
I have to give him credit for noting rightfully so that the “Washington Times” is owned by the NWC, or New world Communications, Inc. and that this corporation was founded by Sun Myung Moon. So, according to him, the pinko, any information that he doesn’t like that comes from the Washington Times he can discredit. Since it has been proven that the Washington Times is as far right of center as most other papers are to the left of center, does that mean we should discredit all information from those papers too? No and a rather lame pinko argument.
He says;
“As soon as Abramoff gets done confessing you are going to see a lot more of your republican friends in congress going to jail.” Abamoff has implicated as many if not more democrats than republicans. Keep trying.
And then, finally after all the stuff he was wrong about he said I, yours truly, have too much time on my hands and that I should “get a life and i agree with your parents; you shouldn't send them garbage”. The truth is only garbage to the left when it proves them wrong and most of the time it does. All you pinkos stick together.
I appreciate the feedback I get from those on the left and right. But you still owe me dinner.
"Sam, I see your list of CLINTON MACHINE CRIMES
So now tell me who they were and what their penalites and/or time in jail was. You can provide me with all the so-called allegations and accusations you want, but as you remember $75,000,000 or more was spent by Ken Starr and his right wing lawyers and the only thing they found Clinton did illegally was lying to a grand jury (perjury) for which he was impeached but not found guilty. Yes i agree that a couple other people in his administration committed some trivial crimes like taking free tickets, etc., but every politician does that. I see your source is the Washington Times, which is owned by the Moonies. good source of info. Ha. you need to do better than this. As soon as Abramoff gets done confessing you are going to see a lot more of your republican friends in congress going to jail. how many politicians and staff members went to jail during the clinton administration; only a few. good try but not good enough. from the looks of all the emails you sent me it appears you have too much time on your hand. get a life and i agree with your parents; you shouldn't send them garbage."
A scathing reply but unfortunately for the left, it merely confirms what my earlier blog said about the pinkos being brainwashed.
According to CNN, he was a little off on how much Ken Starr, who by the way was appointed by Clinton, spent on his investigation. He said it was $75,000,000.00 or more but in reality;
“The figures show that Starr's office, through the end of November 1998, had spent $40,835,000. That includes $27,749,000 in direct expenses from independent counsel appropriations and $13,086,000 in unreimbursed expenses incurred by other government agencies.”
Also, according to the same CNN article;
“The most expensive independent counsel probe to date still belongs to Iran-Contra Counsel Lawrence Walsh, who spent $47.4 million.”
So, “when Clinton lied, nobody died” lives and thrives in the pinko minds like a flesh eating bacteria devouring their skulls full of mush. But if you are interested in seeing the “trivial crimes” committed by Clinton and his group, check out this site;
There are just too many to list here.
I have to give him credit for noting rightfully so that the “Washington Times” is owned by the NWC, or New world Communications, Inc. and that this corporation was founded by Sun Myung Moon. So, according to him, the pinko, any information that he doesn’t like that comes from the Washington Times he can discredit. Since it has been proven that the Washington Times is as far right of center as most other papers are to the left of center, does that mean we should discredit all information from those papers too? No and a rather lame pinko argument.
He says;
“As soon as Abramoff gets done confessing you are going to see a lot more of your republican friends in congress going to jail.” Abamoff has implicated as many if not more democrats than republicans. Keep trying.
And then, finally after all the stuff he was wrong about he said I, yours truly, have too much time on my hands and that I should “get a life and i agree with your parents; you shouldn't send them garbage”. The truth is only garbage to the left when it proves them wrong and most of the time it does. All you pinkos stick together.
I appreciate the feedback I get from those on the left and right. But you still owe me dinner.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Brainwashing; It's Not Just For Kids Anymore
When is the last time you saw a political bumper sticker from the right that was obscene and filled with outright hatred? I was caught behind a gas guzzling SUV at a stop light the other day and there, right in front of me was a bumper sticker that simply said, “F_ _ _ Bush”. I wasn’t shocked since I have become use to such mindless and inane banter from those affiliated with a party that lends itself to the politics of destruction but it was amazing to see that the driver looked like a soccer mom and she had her kids in there with her. Allowing this person to speak her mind is what our country is about, unfortunately we allowed her to breed too.
I would wager any amount that the extent of that woman’s political involvement ended at the back bumper of her gas guzzling SUV. Her politics most likely includes watching Al Gore’s movie about global warming and you can count on all her political arguments ending with the phrase, “When Clinton lied, nobody died”, (I just exhaled in disgust and frustration).
And so, even if no one reads my blog and I am merely battling windmills here, I shall plod on. I write this for me, to vent. And maybe there are some out there who read it so they don’t feel so alone in their views. Twice I thought about quitting but it ain’t happening. Let us ask this question; If Sam blogs in the forest and nobody reads it, are the pinkos still brainwashed?
I would wager any amount that the extent of that woman’s political involvement ended at the back bumper of her gas guzzling SUV. Her politics most likely includes watching Al Gore’s movie about global warming and you can count on all her political arguments ending with the phrase, “When Clinton lied, nobody died”, (I just exhaled in disgust and frustration).
And so, even if no one reads my blog and I am merely battling windmills here, I shall plod on. I write this for me, to vent. And maybe there are some out there who read it so they don’t feel so alone in their views. Twice I thought about quitting but it ain’t happening. Let us ask this question; If Sam blogs in the forest and nobody reads it, are the pinkos still brainwashed?
Monday, May 14, 2007
Take Off the Gloves
If and when we finally decide to win in Iraq, we should look back to January 12th, 1938. On that day, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order Number 8381. What this did was “Define Certain Vital Military and Naval Installations and Equipment”. Simply put, it gave the President the right to censor specific military issues. Stop screaming for a minute and listen.
“On 17 August 1942, a nationally syndicated columnist wrote that she had received “a very stern letter” about her remarks on the weather, “… and so from now on I shall not tell you whether it rains or whether the sun shines where I happen to be.” The columnist was Eleanor Roosevelt and she was referring to an article in which she had described weather conditions during one of her official visits around the country with her husband, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, during World War II. That the First Lady would receive such a reprimand reveals much about the nature, scope, and effectiveness of censorship in wartime America.”
That paragraph was taken from the book “Secrets of Victory: The Office of Censorship and The American Press and Radio in World War II” by Michael S. Sweeney. Was there an outcry at the time? Did people view it as the apocalypse of democracy? Was the government viewed as “Evil Big Brother” silencing individual voices of reason? No, it was simply seen as what it was; a necessary step taken to win a war.
The President should throw every news reporter, newspaper columnist and anyone else that is involved in the media out of Iraq. Anyone caught sending video or emails from Iraq concerning the war should be charged with treason. Even camera phone pictures should be band. This would be the first of two steps that would guarantee victory.
The second step would be to give the military unrestricted ability to wage war. No more Mr. Niceguy. The order should be to do whatever it takes; crush, kill, destroy, anything for victory. They would be free to win without scrutiny from a press that has an obvious agenda. We have the mightiest military in the world; this should be a cake walk.
The left has politicized the war, they are critical of every move and the press is complicit in it. Let them howl and let them rant. Most Americans are against the way the war is being fought because they are under the impression that we are losing. Most Americans want to win. Let’s fight it to win; we will let the press know when it’s over.
“On 17 August 1942, a nationally syndicated columnist wrote that she had received “a very stern letter” about her remarks on the weather, “… and so from now on I shall not tell you whether it rains or whether the sun shines where I happen to be.” The columnist was Eleanor Roosevelt and she was referring to an article in which she had described weather conditions during one of her official visits around the country with her husband, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, during World War II. That the First Lady would receive such a reprimand reveals much about the nature, scope, and effectiveness of censorship in wartime America.”
That paragraph was taken from the book “Secrets of Victory: The Office of Censorship and The American Press and Radio in World War II” by Michael S. Sweeney. Was there an outcry at the time? Did people view it as the apocalypse of democracy? Was the government viewed as “Evil Big Brother” silencing individual voices of reason? No, it was simply seen as what it was; a necessary step taken to win a war.
The President should throw every news reporter, newspaper columnist and anyone else that is involved in the media out of Iraq. Anyone caught sending video or emails from Iraq concerning the war should be charged with treason. Even camera phone pictures should be band. This would be the first of two steps that would guarantee victory.
The second step would be to give the military unrestricted ability to wage war. No more Mr. Niceguy. The order should be to do whatever it takes; crush, kill, destroy, anything for victory. They would be free to win without scrutiny from a press that has an obvious agenda. We have the mightiest military in the world; this should be a cake walk.
The left has politicized the war, they are critical of every move and the press is complicit in it. Let them howl and let them rant. Most Americans are against the way the war is being fought because they are under the impression that we are losing. Most Americans want to win. Let’s fight it to win; we will let the press know when it’s over.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Nice...But Does It Come In Pinko?
I love my parents. Not many are blessed the way my siblings and I are to have such good role models and such caring people as our two parents. They have always been there for us and I hope to be able to return the favor as they grow older but my parents are pinkos. This may sound harsh and to those on the left that hate labels, (except when they fit their agendas), they may think I am being cruel; but none of this changes the fact that my parents are pinkos. A pinko is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary as “One who holds moderately leftist political views”. So my parents may actually be extreme pinkos but I will let that one slide. Growing up they didn’t seem like pinkos to me, they seemed kind of politically neutral but they sure ain’t neutral anymore. So what happened? How did this pinkoness get under their skin like a tick, spreading left wing venom and causing a debilitating commie Lyme disease? I think I know.
A few years ago my parents moved to Jupiter Florida, a beautiful place just north of West Palm on the east coast. They both love it there although it gets a little too warm for my mother in the summer. I don’t think there could be a more ideal place to retire with lots of stuff to do and they have a lot of family and friends in the area too. Paradise? Physically yes but there is something strange going on in Jupiter.
I first noticed slight, almost imperceptible changes; nothing to get alarmed about or even concerned. But as time went by, signs began to pop up that were more obvious and in some cases, scary. They began to defend things they never would before to support people on the left. Everyone on the right was becoming increasingly “evil” with greed the driving force behind the “right wing extremist” agenda. All the problems that existed in America and for that matter all around the world were the fault of the right and more importantly Republicans. My parents were becoming left wing zombies. In almost monotone voices I would hear things like; “When Clinton lied, nobody died”, “Bush is a liar”, “the entire world hates America because of Bush”, “Bush stole the election”, “the Supreme Court was paid off by Bush”, “Iraq is Bush’s war” and “Impeach Bush!”. They are normal people in all other aspects of their lives but the mere mention of the word “Bush” will send them into convulsions, foaming at the mouth, spewing obscenities like a Tourettes riddled pirate on crack. They have become creatures of the left, pinkos. Is there an antidote? Perhaps, but first we must find the cause.
In my search for the cause of the mind control that is unarguably occurring in Jupiter, I came across a study by a UCLA political scientist named Tim Groseclose. In his study he wanted to find out if the media was biased towards either the left or right and then see why they leaned in either direction. According to the “UCLA News”;
“These are just a few of the surprising findings from a UCLA-led study, which is believed to be the first successful attempt at objectively quantifying bias in a range of media outlets and ranking them accordingly.
"I suspected that many media outlets would tilt to the left because surveys have shown that reporters tend to vote more Democrat than Republican," said Tim Groseclose, a UCLA political scientist and the study's lead author. "But I was surprised at just how pronounced the distinctions are."
Some people on the left have already stopped reading this. I can hear them now saying (in that same monotone voice) that this is a lie; “Tim Groseclose must be a right wing extremist that works for Bush” but it ain’t true;
“The researchers took numerous steps to safeguard against bias — or the appearance of same — in the work, which took close to three years to complete. They went to great lengths to ensure that as many research assistants supported Democratic candidate Al Gore in the 2000 election as supported President George Bush. They also sought no outside funding, a rarity in scholarly research.” This from the UCLA News article.
I have noticed that the left wing media machine that has brainwashed so many into becoming pinkos has built in a mechanism that makes the zombies of the left immediately shut out anything that is in disagreement with the propaganda that has worked it’s mind altering magic on them. Sudden and undeniable truths that counter the left wing brainwashing may have drastic results. It reminds me of how Austin Powers made the heads of the fembots explode by doing his alternate sexual dance and I don’t want to be responsible for any exploding pinko craniums.
Groseclose went on to say in the study almost all news reporting and news shows were left leaning;
“Of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 scored left of center, with CBS' "Evening News," The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal.
Only Fox News' "Special Report With Brit Hume" and The Washington Times scored right of the average U.S. voter.
The most centrist outlet proved to be the "NewsHour With Jim Lehrer." CNN's "NewsNight With Aaron Brown" and ABC's "Good Morning America" were a close second and third.”
My parents have been drenched in the radioactive fallout of the left. Like the zombies in “Night of the Living Dead”, they march forth blindly seeking only more left wing news and stories to feed on. Remember what they had to do to stop those zombies? It wasn’t pretty.
“The fourth most centrist outlet was "Special Report With Brit Hume" on Fox News, which often is cited by liberals as an egregious example of a right-wing outlet. While this news program proved to be right of center, the study found ABC's "World News Tonight" and NBC's "Nightly News" to be left of center. All three outlets were approximately equidistant from the center, the report found.” This according to the UCLA study.
Without tying my parents to their easy chairs, duct taping their eyes open and exposing them 24 hours a day to FOX News and Rush Limbaugh for three years straight in an attempt at balance, there is no hope for them.
After ten years of reading the “Palm Beach Post” and watching CNN, my parents have left me politically. I can see that there is no bringing them back, they will march forth toward whatever their pinkoness leads them to. But fear not, other than being able to vote they really can’t do too much harm, besides, they both can still cook and for that alone I can put up with an awful lot.
A few years ago my parents moved to Jupiter Florida, a beautiful place just north of West Palm on the east coast. They both love it there although it gets a little too warm for my mother in the summer. I don’t think there could be a more ideal place to retire with lots of stuff to do and they have a lot of family and friends in the area too. Paradise? Physically yes but there is something strange going on in Jupiter.
I first noticed slight, almost imperceptible changes; nothing to get alarmed about or even concerned. But as time went by, signs began to pop up that were more obvious and in some cases, scary. They began to defend things they never would before to support people on the left. Everyone on the right was becoming increasingly “evil” with greed the driving force behind the “right wing extremist” agenda. All the problems that existed in America and for that matter all around the world were the fault of the right and more importantly Republicans. My parents were becoming left wing zombies. In almost monotone voices I would hear things like; “When Clinton lied, nobody died”, “Bush is a liar”, “the entire world hates America because of Bush”, “Bush stole the election”, “the Supreme Court was paid off by Bush”, “Iraq is Bush’s war” and “Impeach Bush!”. They are normal people in all other aspects of their lives but the mere mention of the word “Bush” will send them into convulsions, foaming at the mouth, spewing obscenities like a Tourettes riddled pirate on crack. They have become creatures of the left, pinkos. Is there an antidote? Perhaps, but first we must find the cause.
In my search for the cause of the mind control that is unarguably occurring in Jupiter, I came across a study by a UCLA political scientist named Tim Groseclose. In his study he wanted to find out if the media was biased towards either the left or right and then see why they leaned in either direction. According to the “UCLA News”;
“These are just a few of the surprising findings from a UCLA-led study, which is believed to be the first successful attempt at objectively quantifying bias in a range of media outlets and ranking them accordingly.
"I suspected that many media outlets would tilt to the left because surveys have shown that reporters tend to vote more Democrat than Republican," said Tim Groseclose, a UCLA political scientist and the study's lead author. "But I was surprised at just how pronounced the distinctions are."
Some people on the left have already stopped reading this. I can hear them now saying (in that same monotone voice) that this is a lie; “Tim Groseclose must be a right wing extremist that works for Bush” but it ain’t true;
“The researchers took numerous steps to safeguard against bias — or the appearance of same — in the work, which took close to three years to complete. They went to great lengths to ensure that as many research assistants supported Democratic candidate Al Gore in the 2000 election as supported President George Bush. They also sought no outside funding, a rarity in scholarly research.” This from the UCLA News article.
I have noticed that the left wing media machine that has brainwashed so many into becoming pinkos has built in a mechanism that makes the zombies of the left immediately shut out anything that is in disagreement with the propaganda that has worked it’s mind altering magic on them. Sudden and undeniable truths that counter the left wing brainwashing may have drastic results. It reminds me of how Austin Powers made the heads of the fembots explode by doing his alternate sexual dance and I don’t want to be responsible for any exploding pinko craniums.
Groseclose went on to say in the study almost all news reporting and news shows were left leaning;
“Of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 scored left of center, with CBS' "Evening News," The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal.
Only Fox News' "Special Report With Brit Hume" and The Washington Times scored right of the average U.S. voter.
The most centrist outlet proved to be the "NewsHour With Jim Lehrer." CNN's "NewsNight With Aaron Brown" and ABC's "Good Morning America" were a close second and third.”
My parents have been drenched in the radioactive fallout of the left. Like the zombies in “Night of the Living Dead”, they march forth blindly seeking only more left wing news and stories to feed on. Remember what they had to do to stop those zombies? It wasn’t pretty.
“The fourth most centrist outlet was "Special Report With Brit Hume" on Fox News, which often is cited by liberals as an egregious example of a right-wing outlet. While this news program proved to be right of center, the study found ABC's "World News Tonight" and NBC's "Nightly News" to be left of center. All three outlets were approximately equidistant from the center, the report found.” This according to the UCLA study.
Without tying my parents to their easy chairs, duct taping their eyes open and exposing them 24 hours a day to FOX News and Rush Limbaugh for three years straight in an attempt at balance, there is no hope for them.
After ten years of reading the “Palm Beach Post” and watching CNN, my parents have left me politically. I can see that there is no bringing them back, they will march forth toward whatever their pinkoness leads them to. But fear not, other than being able to vote they really can’t do too much harm, besides, they both can still cook and for that alone I can put up with an awful lot.
Monday, May 7, 2007
The Truth About Lying And Liars
According to the American Heritage Dictionary, to “lie” is to “make a false statement deliberately presented as true”.
The left says the war in Iraq is based on the lies of President Bush. The left says the President is a liar like it is a given and not disputable. I shall debunk their wacky notions right here and now. I will not accept the idea that Bush is a liar and the war in Iraq is based on the words of said alleged liar. I am going to put forth the truth and from now on I shall refer to this blog when the lefty pinkos attempt to start their moronic arguments with “givens” that are not “given”.
It has to first be understood where the left is coming from when those of that political malady say that Bush is a liar. I am going to go where the left hates to go and that is into the real truth about Clinton because that is where this all stems from. It is undisputable and not arguable that Clinton was and most likely still is a liar. He lied about Monica, he lied about the burning churches in Arkansas when he was young and he lied about Jennifer Flowers. There is nothing the left can say about any of those lies except that those types of lies don’t matter. Since it is without a doubt that Clinton lied, the bar for lying has been raised and now it isn’t a question of lying anymore but only a question of what is being lied about. Since we know Clinton is a liar we must assume he lies about things we don’t know about. The left will chant their insane mantra; “When Clinton lied, nobody died”, and as far as we know, nobody did; but a perfectly good dress was ruined and Sandy Burger made sure that at least some of the lies will forever go unchallenged.
Clinton lied to a grand jury about Monica Lewinsky when he was being investigated in a sexual harassment suit. If my memory serves me, a guy named Scooter is going to prison for perjury and we still have no idea what he lied about. But I don’t want to get side tracked here. The left will merely write this lie off as a feeble attempt by a love starved, middle aged man, longing for the attentions of a young woman to some how recapture his fleeting youth. Or maybe he just wanted a hummer but whatever the reason, those on the left unable to deny Clinton is a liar always ask the question; “well, wouldn’t you lie about that so your wife wouldn’t find out?” Perhaps most men would lie to a grand jury about that but if they did and got caught most men would go to jail.
And what about those burning black churches that Mr. Bill seems to remember burning in Arkansas when he was young? According to the “Daily Republican”, June 10th, 1996, President William Jefferson Clinton said;
"In our country during the '50s and '60s, black churches were burned to intimidate civil rights workers. I have vivid and painful memories of black churches being burned in my own state when I was a child."
The problem is there were no black churches burned in Arkansas during that time period. And so it goes on. He later said he remembers fires at “black community buildings”, not churches. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
I don’t think I really need to go into the Jennifer Flowers thing; it would just be rubbing salt into the wound at this point. I have made my point that the greatest Democrat icon of the last 15 years was a liar through and through.
This is all leading up to the left’s contention that Bush is a liar and that the magnitude of his lies far out weigh those of Clinton’s because we are at war because of those alleged lies. But wait a minute; didn’t President Bush get his war intelligence from George Tenet? And wasn’t Tenet hired by Clinton? And didn’t Tenet give Clinton the same information he gave Bush? And wasn’t the senate intelligence committee given the same intelligence? And didn’t the senate and the house both vote to invade Iraq based on that intelligence? Yes yes yes yes yes. So can someone please tell me what Bush lied about? There are a plethora of quotes from democrat leaders supporting the invasion of Iraq based on the same intelligence Bush was given. If anyone lied, it was Tenet and I don’t think he knowingly did. Even the pompous and snooty Kerry thought the invasion to be warranted;
"Kerry categorically declared that “Iraq has chemical and biological weapons” and even claimed that most elements of Iraq’s chemical and biological weapons programs were “larger and more advanced than they were before the Gulf War.” Furthermore, Kerry asserted that Iraq was “attempting to develop nuclear weapons,” backing up this accusation by claiming that “all U.S. intelligence experts agree” with such an assessment. He also alleged that “Iraq is developing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) capable of delivering chemical and biological warfare agents, which could threaten Iraq’s neighbors as well as American forces in the Persian Gulf.”
That according to commondreams.org.
I realize most of you on the left who may have taken the time to read this are brewing up a lot of “ya buts” and snickering about propaganda and right wing conspiracies. But if you are being honest with yourself, you have to know that despite what you may think of President Bush’s policies, he is not a liar. He has made mistakes and he is a little too liberal for my liking but he isn’t a liar.
The left says the war in Iraq is based on the lies of President Bush. The left says the President is a liar like it is a given and not disputable. I shall debunk their wacky notions right here and now. I will not accept the idea that Bush is a liar and the war in Iraq is based on the words of said alleged liar. I am going to put forth the truth and from now on I shall refer to this blog when the lefty pinkos attempt to start their moronic arguments with “givens” that are not “given”.
It has to first be understood where the left is coming from when those of that political malady say that Bush is a liar. I am going to go where the left hates to go and that is into the real truth about Clinton because that is where this all stems from. It is undisputable and not arguable that Clinton was and most likely still is a liar. He lied about Monica, he lied about the burning churches in Arkansas when he was young and he lied about Jennifer Flowers. There is nothing the left can say about any of those lies except that those types of lies don’t matter. Since it is without a doubt that Clinton lied, the bar for lying has been raised and now it isn’t a question of lying anymore but only a question of what is being lied about. Since we know Clinton is a liar we must assume he lies about things we don’t know about. The left will chant their insane mantra; “When Clinton lied, nobody died”, and as far as we know, nobody did; but a perfectly good dress was ruined and Sandy Burger made sure that at least some of the lies will forever go unchallenged.
Clinton lied to a grand jury about Monica Lewinsky when he was being investigated in a sexual harassment suit. If my memory serves me, a guy named Scooter is going to prison for perjury and we still have no idea what he lied about. But I don’t want to get side tracked here. The left will merely write this lie off as a feeble attempt by a love starved, middle aged man, longing for the attentions of a young woman to some how recapture his fleeting youth. Or maybe he just wanted a hummer but whatever the reason, those on the left unable to deny Clinton is a liar always ask the question; “well, wouldn’t you lie about that so your wife wouldn’t find out?” Perhaps most men would lie to a grand jury about that but if they did and got caught most men would go to jail.
And what about those burning black churches that Mr. Bill seems to remember burning in Arkansas when he was young? According to the “Daily Republican”, June 10th, 1996, President William Jefferson Clinton said;
"In our country during the '50s and '60s, black churches were burned to intimidate civil rights workers. I have vivid and painful memories of black churches being burned in my own state when I was a child."
The problem is there were no black churches burned in Arkansas during that time period. And so it goes on. He later said he remembers fires at “black community buildings”, not churches. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
I don’t think I really need to go into the Jennifer Flowers thing; it would just be rubbing salt into the wound at this point. I have made my point that the greatest Democrat icon of the last 15 years was a liar through and through.
This is all leading up to the left’s contention that Bush is a liar and that the magnitude of his lies far out weigh those of Clinton’s because we are at war because of those alleged lies. But wait a minute; didn’t President Bush get his war intelligence from George Tenet? And wasn’t Tenet hired by Clinton? And didn’t Tenet give Clinton the same information he gave Bush? And wasn’t the senate intelligence committee given the same intelligence? And didn’t the senate and the house both vote to invade Iraq based on that intelligence? Yes yes yes yes yes. So can someone please tell me what Bush lied about? There are a plethora of quotes from democrat leaders supporting the invasion of Iraq based on the same intelligence Bush was given. If anyone lied, it was Tenet and I don’t think he knowingly did. Even the pompous and snooty Kerry thought the invasion to be warranted;
"Kerry categorically declared that “Iraq has chemical and biological weapons” and even claimed that most elements of Iraq’s chemical and biological weapons programs were “larger and more advanced than they were before the Gulf War.” Furthermore, Kerry asserted that Iraq was “attempting to develop nuclear weapons,” backing up this accusation by claiming that “all U.S. intelligence experts agree” with such an assessment. He also alleged that “Iraq is developing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) capable of delivering chemical and biological warfare agents, which could threaten Iraq’s neighbors as well as American forces in the Persian Gulf.”
That according to commondreams.org.
I realize most of you on the left who may have taken the time to read this are brewing up a lot of “ya buts” and snickering about propaganda and right wing conspiracies. But if you are being honest with yourself, you have to know that despite what you may think of President Bush’s policies, he is not a liar. He has made mistakes and he is a little too liberal for my liking but he isn’t a liar.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Watch What You Wish For
Gov. Jon Corzine of New Jersey choked back tears at a press conference where he apologized for not wearing his seatbelt. Normally, not wearing one's seat belt isn’t all that emotional but the Gov got caught breaking one of his own laws and needed to make a pitiful display of himself. And so, in honor of the hypocritical Gov, I composed an allegorical poem.
Things got odd the other day,
When the Prez came out to say,
Reasons for a new law were found
It’s now illegal to fall down.
"Yes" he shouted from the stand,
"A proclamation for our land,
No more tripping is allowed,
Not even if your streets not plowed".
"Falling down is now a crime,
And for those that do it all the time,
Penalties will be the price,
And to those that don't, we will be nice".
People stared in shock and fear,
What if they fell upon their rear?
What if their legs and feet did fail,
Would they have to go to jail?
What if they tripped upon a stone,
Or stepped upon an old dog bone,
Or forgot to tie their shoes that day,
And tripped and fell, what would they pay?
What if there was snow on their stairs,
And if they fell, who really cares?
But cops would watch our every move,
A bump, a bruise, a crime would prove.
And if you’re clumsy, I do fear,
You'd be in jail for at least a year,
And if you’re pushed and end up maimed,
Can you tell a cop that you were framed?
What if you’re skiing down a hill,
And then you take a sudden spill,
Would they take you far away,
Off to jail where you would stay?
The stunt men are now out of luck,
They can not fall if they are struck,
They cannot tumble from a horse,
They cannot fall from any force.
Football would be in the past,
Because every play they're on the grass,
And no more sliding in baseball,
You can play, but just don’t fall.
And little babies, how will they learn?
They seem to fall at every turn.
Will they have small baby jails,
For all the kids that walks and fails?
And when the Prez had no more to say,
He said to have a real nice day,
He turned to leave, step from our sight,
But someone forgot to move a light.
He stepped upon the cord and fell,
And everyone began to yell,
"Take him, grab him from the floor,
He broke a law and maybe more!"
What can be said for such a man,
He just won’t stand, we know he can,
"Gravity!" he began to yell,
"That’s what did it, I can tell!"
And as the cops took him away,
He clearly had no more to say,
He took a position, a mighty chance,
And fell right off that lofty stance.
Things got odd the other day,
When the Prez came out to say,
Reasons for a new law were found
It’s now illegal to fall down.
"Yes" he shouted from the stand,
"A proclamation for our land,
No more tripping is allowed,
Not even if your streets not plowed".
"Falling down is now a crime,
And for those that do it all the time,
Penalties will be the price,
And to those that don't, we will be nice".
People stared in shock and fear,
What if they fell upon their rear?
What if their legs and feet did fail,
Would they have to go to jail?
What if they tripped upon a stone,
Or stepped upon an old dog bone,
Or forgot to tie their shoes that day,
And tripped and fell, what would they pay?
What if there was snow on their stairs,
And if they fell, who really cares?
But cops would watch our every move,
A bump, a bruise, a crime would prove.
And if you’re clumsy, I do fear,
You'd be in jail for at least a year,
And if you’re pushed and end up maimed,
Can you tell a cop that you were framed?
What if you’re skiing down a hill,
And then you take a sudden spill,
Would they take you far away,
Off to jail where you would stay?
The stunt men are now out of luck,
They can not fall if they are struck,
They cannot tumble from a horse,
They cannot fall from any force.
Football would be in the past,
Because every play they're on the grass,
And no more sliding in baseball,
You can play, but just don’t fall.
And little babies, how will they learn?
They seem to fall at every turn.
Will they have small baby jails,
For all the kids that walks and fails?
And when the Prez had no more to say,
He said to have a real nice day,
He turned to leave, step from our sight,
But someone forgot to move a light.
He stepped upon the cord and fell,
And everyone began to yell,
"Take him, grab him from the floor,
He broke a law and maybe more!"
What can be said for such a man,
He just won’t stand, we know he can,
"Gravity!" he began to yell,
"That’s what did it, I can tell!"
And as the cops took him away,
He clearly had no more to say,
He took a position, a mighty chance,
And fell right off that lofty stance.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
A Tale Of Two Tenets
Now, for the next week or so until the left wing media drums up some other political fantasy, we are going to be subjected to the “Tales of Tenet”. This will be an intriguing yarn of lies and deceptions. We will be lead to believe that the head of the CIA, George Tenet, was used, duped, fooled, befuddled and betrayed by the “idiot” Bush and his pack of henchmen including Cheney and Rummy. Adding fuel to the left wing bonfires already stoked with rumors of corruption in the Justice Department will be veritable barrels full of combustible one liners and sound bites that will work the pinkos into a heated frenzy of molten spin.
The story is as follows; George “Judas” Tenet, former head of the CIA, appointed by Bill Clinton and held over by President Bush claims his words were misused by President Bush as he was trying to convince the people of the United States and the world that there were weapons of mass destruction (WMD’s) in Iraq. The quote most often associated with George “Judas” Tenet is that it was a “slam dunk” that Saddam Hussein was producing and hiding WMD’s in Iraq. Mysteriously, in the Associated Press article dated April 27th, the quote is never mentioned. But in a CBS news article dated April 26th, 2007, it is explained as follows;
“The phrase "slam dunk" didn't refer to whether Saddam Hussein actually had WMDs, says Tenet; the CIA thought he did. He says he was talking about what information could be used to make that case when he uttered those words. "We can put a better case together for a public case. That's what I meant," explains Tenet.”
What the f_ _ _ does that mean?
Tenet is upset because he claims that the quote was being used as the sole reason for going to war. CBS also quotes Tenet as saying;
“So a whole decision to go to war, when all of these other things have happened in the run-up to war? You make mobilization decisions, you've looked at war plans," says Tenet. "I'll never believe that what happened that day informed the president's view or belief of the legitimacy or the timing of this war. Never!"
HELLO! He was the head of the most powerful intelligence agency in the free world, he tells the leader of the free world that there is information that without a doubt there are WMD’s in Iraq and he can’t believe that he, the President, might use that info to go to war? Is he a moron? How the hell did he get the job in the first place? Maybe Bush is an idiot for keeping him around.
According to the Chicago Sun-Times;
“The phrase ''slam dunk'' was associated with Tenet after it was leaked by a senior administration official to author and journalist Bob Woodward. According to Woodward's book Plan of Attack, Bush turned to Tenet during the meeting and asked if the information he had just presented on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction was the best Tenet had.
''It's a slam dunk case,'' Tenet replied, according to Woodward.”
Tenet doesn’t deny making the statement but now claims it was taken out of context and spun by the White House for their war propagating purposes; but I think Mr. Tenet may have an agenda of his own. According to the LA times, George got an advance of more than four million dollars for his tell-all book titled, "At the Center of the Storm”. (How many pieces of silver did Judas get when he hung Jesus out to dry? Hmmmm, five letters in the name “Tenet”, five letters in the name “Jesus” and five letters in the name “Judas”, coincidence? I don’t think so. This should get those left wing conspiracy nutjob’s heads spinning.) I guess when war funding and time-tables are at the political forefront, it is a good time to get your own propaganda out there at any cost.
So, as the lefties cry “foul” once again and tell their stories of Bush deceptions and lies in another futile attempt to discredit him, let us all remember that famous quote often associated with the most famous of Stooges;
“If at first you don’t succeed, suck and suck t’il you do succeed”.
Better get sucking.
The story is as follows; George “Judas” Tenet, former head of the CIA, appointed by Bill Clinton and held over by President Bush claims his words were misused by President Bush as he was trying to convince the people of the United States and the world that there were weapons of mass destruction (WMD’s) in Iraq. The quote most often associated with George “Judas” Tenet is that it was a “slam dunk” that Saddam Hussein was producing and hiding WMD’s in Iraq. Mysteriously, in the Associated Press article dated April 27th, the quote is never mentioned. But in a CBS news article dated April 26th, 2007, it is explained as follows;
“The phrase "slam dunk" didn't refer to whether Saddam Hussein actually had WMDs, says Tenet; the CIA thought he did. He says he was talking about what information could be used to make that case when he uttered those words. "We can put a better case together for a public case. That's what I meant," explains Tenet.”
What the f_ _ _ does that mean?
Tenet is upset because he claims that the quote was being used as the sole reason for going to war. CBS also quotes Tenet as saying;
“So a whole decision to go to war, when all of these other things have happened in the run-up to war? You make mobilization decisions, you've looked at war plans," says Tenet. "I'll never believe that what happened that day informed the president's view or belief of the legitimacy or the timing of this war. Never!"
HELLO! He was the head of the most powerful intelligence agency in the free world, he tells the leader of the free world that there is information that without a doubt there are WMD’s in Iraq and he can’t believe that he, the President, might use that info to go to war? Is he a moron? How the hell did he get the job in the first place? Maybe Bush is an idiot for keeping him around.
According to the Chicago Sun-Times;
“The phrase ''slam dunk'' was associated with Tenet after it was leaked by a senior administration official to author and journalist Bob Woodward. According to Woodward's book Plan of Attack, Bush turned to Tenet during the meeting and asked if the information he had just presented on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction was the best Tenet had.
''It's a slam dunk case,'' Tenet replied, according to Woodward.”
Tenet doesn’t deny making the statement but now claims it was taken out of context and spun by the White House for their war propagating purposes; but I think Mr. Tenet may have an agenda of his own. According to the LA times, George got an advance of more than four million dollars for his tell-all book titled, "At the Center of the Storm”. (How many pieces of silver did Judas get when he hung Jesus out to dry? Hmmmm, five letters in the name “Tenet”, five letters in the name “Jesus” and five letters in the name “Judas”, coincidence? I don’t think so. This should get those left wing conspiracy nutjob’s heads spinning.) I guess when war funding and time-tables are at the political forefront, it is a good time to get your own propaganda out there at any cost.
So, as the lefties cry “foul” once again and tell their stories of Bush deceptions and lies in another futile attempt to discredit him, let us all remember that famous quote often associated with the most famous of Stooges;
“If at first you don’t succeed, suck and suck t’il you do succeed”.
Better get sucking.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Does Somebody Need A Hug?
I want to warn the commie pinko surrender monkeys who might only like to read politically correct, feel good stuff, DON’T READ THIS! I will only warn you this once, go read the Washington Post or the New York Times. I will not be responsible for bunched panties or bark burns from tight tree hugging. Not even a group hug is going to help; you have been officially warned.
I was watching Harry Reid surrender to the terrorists in Iraq the other day and the first thing that came into my head was; how could a pussy like him be elected to anything? Harry Reid was proclaiming the terrorists as victors like he was ordering salad and a yogurt cup at Panera; it didn’t bother him one bit. Reid would turn the reins of power over to a bunch of thugs who kill women, defenseless old people and innocent children and behead anyone they can, just to make their so-called religious (or maybe it’s political) points. Harry Reid says he has a mandate from the American people so therefore, Harry Reid is surrendering for his own political reasons. So I guess it really isn’t much of a stretch to say that both the murdering terrorists, al Qaeda and Harry Reid, are complicit in trying to defeat the U.S.
O.K., the big question is this; what has happened to the men of America? When half of the men in our country can sit back and watch Harry Reid, possibly the wimpiest man since Don Knots to grace the airwaves, just give up, something is drastically wrong. Are we not men and what does that mean today?
When I was a kid, we watched cowboy movies, army movies and sports. When I was a kid, we played pick-up baseball, basketball and football and the suckiest kid got picked last. When I was a kid we played with toy guns and pretended to kill Injuns, Krauts and Japs. And when I was a kid, there were bullies to be feared and in some cases even respected for instilling that fear, but guess what? We learned to deal with it and you know why? Because that is reality and the real world, not this phony utopia created by feel good pansies. There are people gasping with righteous indignation at what I just said and it’s all true.
Today when we watch cowboy movies they are not about cowboys but instead, sheep boys, and they don’t punch cows, they have sex with each other. Today boys play sports when their parents take them somewhere to play and then they coach them along with their rules about keeping score so nobody loses and nobody feels bad. Nobody plays army anymore, I have no idea what they play but I am sure it has something to do with why white American boys should feel a collective guilt for how our ancestors picked on Native Americans or how the Germans and Japanese were at war with us because we deserved it. And today in our schools, there are rallies against bullies and if a young boy is too aggressive they sedate him with drugs throughout his youth and adolescents.
On the backboards of the basketball hoops at the Boy’s Club in Portland, there is a saying, it goes something like this; “A winner never quits and a quitter never wins”. Back in the days when boys would show up at the gym and play pick- up basketball, those words were taken for granted. If a kid didn’t play hard and with intensity, he would never play or would be humiliated by being chosen last. Not all the kids were great players but if they played hard and were tough, they were respected. Nobody would lose without trying their hardest and if your team was losing, everyone better pick it up because giving up wasn’t what boys did. You hung out with guys and there was a pecking order; guys knew who was tough and who wasn’t and they knew who they could count on and who they couldn’t. There were guys who played basketball with a lot of skill but when things got a little rough, they would back down. There were guys who couldn’t throw a rock in the ocean but they never gave in. This is the reality of the world mirrored on that court and we have lost our grip on that.
We have coddled an entire generation; they accept failure because they don’t really know what that means. They are told that if you just flow along, everything will work out fine. When I coach basketball, at the end of every practice we have a motto that one player is chosen to read to the rest of the team, it is as follows;
1.Respect your team, coaches, officials and every opponent.
2.Practice and play your hardest and best.
3.Win with class or lose with dignity.
Harry Reid doesn’t respect anyone, not our country, our leaders or our military. Harry Reid has no class and is void of dignity but the worse thing of all is this, Harry Reid is a loser and he accepts losing. He wants us all to feel like losers too and Harry Reid has no idea what losing means.
I was watching Harry Reid surrender to the terrorists in Iraq the other day and the first thing that came into my head was; how could a pussy like him be elected to anything? Harry Reid was proclaiming the terrorists as victors like he was ordering salad and a yogurt cup at Panera; it didn’t bother him one bit. Reid would turn the reins of power over to a bunch of thugs who kill women, defenseless old people and innocent children and behead anyone they can, just to make their so-called religious (or maybe it’s political) points. Harry Reid says he has a mandate from the American people so therefore, Harry Reid is surrendering for his own political reasons. So I guess it really isn’t much of a stretch to say that both the murdering terrorists, al Qaeda and Harry Reid, are complicit in trying to defeat the U.S.
O.K., the big question is this; what has happened to the men of America? When half of the men in our country can sit back and watch Harry Reid, possibly the wimpiest man since Don Knots to grace the airwaves, just give up, something is drastically wrong. Are we not men and what does that mean today?
When I was a kid, we watched cowboy movies, army movies and sports. When I was a kid, we played pick-up baseball, basketball and football and the suckiest kid got picked last. When I was a kid we played with toy guns and pretended to kill Injuns, Krauts and Japs. And when I was a kid, there were bullies to be feared and in some cases even respected for instilling that fear, but guess what? We learned to deal with it and you know why? Because that is reality and the real world, not this phony utopia created by feel good pansies. There are people gasping with righteous indignation at what I just said and it’s all true.
Today when we watch cowboy movies they are not about cowboys but instead, sheep boys, and they don’t punch cows, they have sex with each other. Today boys play sports when their parents take them somewhere to play and then they coach them along with their rules about keeping score so nobody loses and nobody feels bad. Nobody plays army anymore, I have no idea what they play but I am sure it has something to do with why white American boys should feel a collective guilt for how our ancestors picked on Native Americans or how the Germans and Japanese were at war with us because we deserved it. And today in our schools, there are rallies against bullies and if a young boy is too aggressive they sedate him with drugs throughout his youth and adolescents.
On the backboards of the basketball hoops at the Boy’s Club in Portland, there is a saying, it goes something like this; “A winner never quits and a quitter never wins”. Back in the days when boys would show up at the gym and play pick- up basketball, those words were taken for granted. If a kid didn’t play hard and with intensity, he would never play or would be humiliated by being chosen last. Not all the kids were great players but if they played hard and were tough, they were respected. Nobody would lose without trying their hardest and if your team was losing, everyone better pick it up because giving up wasn’t what boys did. You hung out with guys and there was a pecking order; guys knew who was tough and who wasn’t and they knew who they could count on and who they couldn’t. There were guys who played basketball with a lot of skill but when things got a little rough, they would back down. There were guys who couldn’t throw a rock in the ocean but they never gave in. This is the reality of the world mirrored on that court and we have lost our grip on that.
We have coddled an entire generation; they accept failure because they don’t really know what that means. They are told that if you just flow along, everything will work out fine. When I coach basketball, at the end of every practice we have a motto that one player is chosen to read to the rest of the team, it is as follows;
1.Respect your team, coaches, officials and every opponent.
2.Practice and play your hardest and best.
3.Win with class or lose with dignity.
Harry Reid doesn’t respect anyone, not our country, our leaders or our military. Harry Reid has no class and is void of dignity but the worse thing of all is this, Harry Reid is a loser and he accepts losing. He wants us all to feel like losers too and Harry Reid has no idea what losing means.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Well, It Sounded Good At the Time....
Krazy Killer Korean, (he will be referred to as that throughout this blog because I do not want to use his name for obvious reasons), was crazy. I have heard him referred to as a lunatic, insane, psychotic and a madman; correct by all accounts. Krazy Killer Korean unleashed unthinkable horrors on innocent people because he had the will and means to do so. What bothers me the most about the whole incident was the way all thirty two of those victims, not to mention those still trying to recover from their wounds, were placed in that position of vulnerability by the leaders of VT.
We can conclude that Krazy Killer Korean was insane but Krazy Killer Korean wasn’t stupid. He had been referred to authorities by those who observed his behavior as a possible risk not only to himself but to others. Krazy Killer Korean had stalked people, written insane plays and stories and was a social outcast. Now, I am sure on a campus of 26,000 students, there are probably a few nut jobs but Krazy Killer Korean must have stood out in the crowd. Krazy Killer Korean was mad but he was also intelligent, more intelligent than those that make and enforce the laws at VT.
A quick chronology of events is as follows;
1. Krazy Killer Korean gets accepted to VT.
2. Professors and others deem Krazy Killer Korean a “bit out there” because of his own actions and refer him to authorities.
3. A Judge says Krazy Killer Korean can volunteer for counseling but doesn’t insist upon it.
4. VT’s ruling body passes an edict saying no one can carry a weapon on the VT campus (Krazy Killer Korean must have been absent that day).
5. Krazy Killer Korean buys a couple guns and kills and maims a bunch of people on the campus of VT that had been recently classified as “safe” by those elitist smarty pants that are paid to know such things.
A perfect storm of idiots.
Krazy Killer Korean knew no one was going to stop him once he started his murderous rampage because the brilliant minds that make the rules said they couldn’t. In the perfect world of college professors and academics, theory and civility rule but in the mixed-up, muddled-up, shook-up world that is reality, (the Kinks would appreciate this part), rules are made to be broken. Just because we are a nation of laws doesn’t mean everyone is going to follow them, especially the insane. Why didn't they just ban murder?
I am pissed that we have leaders that pass gun laws as though everyone is going to obey them. Every time a crime is committed with a gun, those same types of elitist leaders that run VT tell us that we need to get rid of guns because they are such a threat to civility. But how many of them have body guards that carry guns? How many senators and representatives in state and federal bodies sit comfortably and safe in their chambers, guarded by police and security agencies that carry guns? And yet they tell us we can’t use guns to protect ourselves and our families. Hypocrisy, and in places like Washington DC and VT that have strict gun laws, a hypocrisy that has proven deadly for innocent people.
I must insert a side note here. What is one of the first things despots like Adolf Hitler do when they gain power? They outlaw the personal possession of firearms. Why do our leaders read our own constitution written by guys like Thomas Jefferson that guarantees our right to bear arms and then think dictators are a better model when it comes to guns?
What incredible arrogance leader’s show when they think they are so important that everyone will be safe just because those pompous asses say they will be. What arrogance is displayed when they can stand before us and say we are safer by the laws they pass then by taking actions we would take to protect ourselves. Laws are made to govern those that obey laws, not those that will do what they want in spite of those laws. Perhaps the victims at VT should have mentioned to Krazy Killer Korean that the brilliant boobs that ran the joint told everyone they couldn’t have guns. And I thought college kids were smart.
I have an idea for a gun law and if it were passed you would need no other. Here it is; if anyone commits a felony using a firearm, they would go to jail for life without parole. Any crime, from robbing a hotdog stand to killing 32 college kids, if you use a gun, you go to jail. What better gun control would you need? The truth of the matter is, we don’t need to control the guns, and we need to control the behavior of those that have guns.
As I now listen to the mindless banter being thrown out there by those who still think controlling inanimate objects will make us safe, I ask you, how well has outlawing drugs worked? Last time I checked, not too good.
Amendment II (1791)
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
We can conclude that Krazy Killer Korean was insane but Krazy Killer Korean wasn’t stupid. He had been referred to authorities by those who observed his behavior as a possible risk not only to himself but to others. Krazy Killer Korean had stalked people, written insane plays and stories and was a social outcast. Now, I am sure on a campus of 26,000 students, there are probably a few nut jobs but Krazy Killer Korean must have stood out in the crowd. Krazy Killer Korean was mad but he was also intelligent, more intelligent than those that make and enforce the laws at VT.
A quick chronology of events is as follows;
1. Krazy Killer Korean gets accepted to VT.
2. Professors and others deem Krazy Killer Korean a “bit out there” because of his own actions and refer him to authorities.
3. A Judge says Krazy Killer Korean can volunteer for counseling but doesn’t insist upon it.
4. VT’s ruling body passes an edict saying no one can carry a weapon on the VT campus (Krazy Killer Korean must have been absent that day).
5. Krazy Killer Korean buys a couple guns and kills and maims a bunch of people on the campus of VT that had been recently classified as “safe” by those elitist smarty pants that are paid to know such things.
A perfect storm of idiots.
Krazy Killer Korean knew no one was going to stop him once he started his murderous rampage because the brilliant minds that make the rules said they couldn’t. In the perfect world of college professors and academics, theory and civility rule but in the mixed-up, muddled-up, shook-up world that is reality, (the Kinks would appreciate this part), rules are made to be broken. Just because we are a nation of laws doesn’t mean everyone is going to follow them, especially the insane. Why didn't they just ban murder?
I am pissed that we have leaders that pass gun laws as though everyone is going to obey them. Every time a crime is committed with a gun, those same types of elitist leaders that run VT tell us that we need to get rid of guns because they are such a threat to civility. But how many of them have body guards that carry guns? How many senators and representatives in state and federal bodies sit comfortably and safe in their chambers, guarded by police and security agencies that carry guns? And yet they tell us we can’t use guns to protect ourselves and our families. Hypocrisy, and in places like Washington DC and VT that have strict gun laws, a hypocrisy that has proven deadly for innocent people.
I must insert a side note here. What is one of the first things despots like Adolf Hitler do when they gain power? They outlaw the personal possession of firearms. Why do our leaders read our own constitution written by guys like Thomas Jefferson that guarantees our right to bear arms and then think dictators are a better model when it comes to guns?
What incredible arrogance leader’s show when they think they are so important that everyone will be safe just because those pompous asses say they will be. What arrogance is displayed when they can stand before us and say we are safer by the laws they pass then by taking actions we would take to protect ourselves. Laws are made to govern those that obey laws, not those that will do what they want in spite of those laws. Perhaps the victims at VT should have mentioned to Krazy Killer Korean that the brilliant boobs that ran the joint told everyone they couldn’t have guns. And I thought college kids were smart.
I have an idea for a gun law and if it were passed you would need no other. Here it is; if anyone commits a felony using a firearm, they would go to jail for life without parole. Any crime, from robbing a hotdog stand to killing 32 college kids, if you use a gun, you go to jail. What better gun control would you need? The truth of the matter is, we don’t need to control the guns, and we need to control the behavior of those that have guns.
As I now listen to the mindless banter being thrown out there by those who still think controlling inanimate objects will make us safe, I ask you, how well has outlawing drugs worked? Last time I checked, not too good.
Amendment II (1791)
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Dreamer, Nothing But A Dreamer
In the wee hours of the morning, when everyone else has either fallen asleep or passed out, there is a late night talk show on called “Coast to Coast A.M.”. This show was once hosted by the deep, baritone voiced Art Bell but he has since been replaced by George Norry. Art Bell has a way with words and voice inflection that could make a square dance in Knoxville sound like a mysterious, ancient ritual. George Norry not so much. But George isn’t a bad replacement with a style of his own and he covers the same types of topics which include hunting for Nessy of the famous Loch Ness, Big Foot, of the Pacific northwest, the New Jersey Devil of the kind of famous New Jersey woods, just to name a few. Art Bell still does the weekend shows where he discusses anything from werewolves and global warming, (which I put in the same classification), exorcisms and the Amityville house, to scientific and political issues. George does the same during the week. Just listening to some of the people that call in to discuss these topics is worth staying up for.
The other night in honor of the pending tax deadline, George interviewed a man named Bill Spilane. Bill is in favor of what is called a “Fair Tax Plan”. This plan would get rid of all federal income taxes on wages and just charge one flat rate federal sales tax. Bill suggested 23% would be the national sales tax rate which may seem a bit high. But Bill believes bountiful benefits befitting Barons be believable.
A quick synopsis of how this would work is as follows, but before I give you my take, just remember I was listening to this after working eight hours and it was 1:15 in the morning. I am going to do my best to convey the information I remember hearing from the show and if you have any questions about it or think I might be mistaken, just Google the “Fair Tax Plan” and it will give you the skinny, the lowdown, the dealio, the “what’s-uuuuuup” on the plan. O.K, here goes…..
The elimination of all federal income taxes; this would take the first step in simplifying taxes by getting rid of the 63,000 pages of federal tax guide-lines that show us how to pay our income taxes. Bill said that the income tax laws are ever growing and so confusing that even tax experts can’t keep up with them. This would also increase the amount of money everyone would take home in their check every week. If you made $52,000.00 a year, you would receive a check for $1,000.00 every week when you got paid. There would be no more costly accounting fees, income tax deadlines or loop holes.
We would only pay the tax when we made purchases. This would let you budget your money more efficiently. If you bought a car that cost $20,000.00 you would pay $4,600.00 in taxes on it. There would be no other fees. Doing it this way would also eliminate to a large extent the underground economy which pays no taxes now. Since we would only be taxed on what we spend then it wouldn’t matter to the government how much we made.
(A bit of a side note here; the way our system is set up now is we penalize success by making those that make more pay more. This is counter to the whole idea of capitalism and a free economy because it punishes hard work.)
With the “Fair Tax Plan”, when a drug dealer buys his new Hummer, he would pay a federal sales tax, just like everyone else.
The rich would proportionally pay a higher amount of taxes because they would buy higher cost items. There would be no loop holes for even the mightiest of the wealthy to sneak through to avoid paying “their fair share”, 23% across the board and no exceptions.
Bill explained that this last point is one of the reasons the “Fair Tax Plan” doesn’t have a bigger amount of support in the hallowed halls of congress. You see, our congressional leaders can now dangle the carrot of loop holes for their wealthiest of constituents in return for their support. A nice big fat contribution to your favorite congressional blood sucker might buy you a pass or a reduction on certain taxes. Bribery and blackmail at the highest levels and it’s all legal.
There were a lot of questions as the interview went on and people called in. I could go into more but I think you get the gist of what I am trying to say. There has to be a better way of doing the whole tax thing. We are so mired in a system that is costly, time consuming and patently unfair that the system is crying out for REAL reform. Why does it take 63,000 pages to explain what we have to do to pay our taxes? Why do we need an army, the IRS that has the powers of the Gestapo and instills just as much fear to impose these voluminous and mind boggling laws? The “Fair Tax Plan” is the cause and we must become the “Resistance” that fights for it but not so much with the guns and grenade throwing.
My brother forwarded the Fair Tax website to me so here it is……..
The other night in honor of the pending tax deadline, George interviewed a man named Bill Spilane. Bill is in favor of what is called a “Fair Tax Plan”. This plan would get rid of all federal income taxes on wages and just charge one flat rate federal sales tax. Bill suggested 23% would be the national sales tax rate which may seem a bit high. But Bill believes bountiful benefits befitting Barons be believable.
A quick synopsis of how this would work is as follows, but before I give you my take, just remember I was listening to this after working eight hours and it was 1:15 in the morning. I am going to do my best to convey the information I remember hearing from the show and if you have any questions about it or think I might be mistaken, just Google the “Fair Tax Plan” and it will give you the skinny, the lowdown, the dealio, the “what’s-uuuuuup” on the plan. O.K, here goes…..
The elimination of all federal income taxes; this would take the first step in simplifying taxes by getting rid of the 63,000 pages of federal tax guide-lines that show us how to pay our income taxes. Bill said that the income tax laws are ever growing and so confusing that even tax experts can’t keep up with them. This would also increase the amount of money everyone would take home in their check every week. If you made $52,000.00 a year, you would receive a check for $1,000.00 every week when you got paid. There would be no more costly accounting fees, income tax deadlines or loop holes.
We would only pay the tax when we made purchases. This would let you budget your money more efficiently. If you bought a car that cost $20,000.00 you would pay $4,600.00 in taxes on it. There would be no other fees. Doing it this way would also eliminate to a large extent the underground economy which pays no taxes now. Since we would only be taxed on what we spend then it wouldn’t matter to the government how much we made.
(A bit of a side note here; the way our system is set up now is we penalize success by making those that make more pay more. This is counter to the whole idea of capitalism and a free economy because it punishes hard work.)
With the “Fair Tax Plan”, when a drug dealer buys his new Hummer, he would pay a federal sales tax, just like everyone else.
The rich would proportionally pay a higher amount of taxes because they would buy higher cost items. There would be no loop holes for even the mightiest of the wealthy to sneak through to avoid paying “their fair share”, 23% across the board and no exceptions.
Bill explained that this last point is one of the reasons the “Fair Tax Plan” doesn’t have a bigger amount of support in the hallowed halls of congress. You see, our congressional leaders can now dangle the carrot of loop holes for their wealthiest of constituents in return for their support. A nice big fat contribution to your favorite congressional blood sucker might buy you a pass or a reduction on certain taxes. Bribery and blackmail at the highest levels and it’s all legal.
There were a lot of questions as the interview went on and people called in. I could go into more but I think you get the gist of what I am trying to say. There has to be a better way of doing the whole tax thing. We are so mired in a system that is costly, time consuming and patently unfair that the system is crying out for REAL reform. Why does it take 63,000 pages to explain what we have to do to pay our taxes? Why do we need an army, the IRS that has the powers of the Gestapo and instills just as much fear to impose these voluminous and mind boggling laws? The “Fair Tax Plan” is the cause and we must become the “Resistance” that fights for it but not so much with the guns and grenade throwing.
My brother forwarded the Fair Tax website to me so here it is……..
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Revenge Of The Nappy Headed Hoes
Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong might be having second thoughts about his choice of using the accusations against certain members of the Duke Lacrosse team by Crystal Gale “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue” Mangum for his political advantage. Here is a quick synopsis of the facts as pieced together by yours truly;
First, on the night 0f March 13th, 2006, Crystal Gale “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue” Mangum was hired for her expertise in the nappy headed hoe department by members of the Duke University Men’s Lacrosse team. Personally I think it would have added a whole new twist to everything if it had been the Duke University Women’s Lacrosse team but I digress.
Second, on March 14th, Crystal Gale “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue” Mangum files a complaint with the police saying she was raped. Being the feminist that I am, I understand that no matter how nappy the hair or how big the hoe, NO MEANS NO!
Third, on March the 24th, investigators take DNA samples from 46 of the 47 lacrosse players. Being an avid fan of C.S.I., I know that we all have different DNA and if those nasty boys on the team were doing the nasty with Crystal Gale “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue” Mangum, there would be certain, let us say, bodily fluids containing those dirty boy’s DNA. Case closed, end of story. Not so fast my sexually obsessed comrades.
Third, April 10th, defense attorneys say DNA evidence fails to connect the lacrosse players to the alleged victim and her alleged rape. If the DNA don’t fit you must acquit, right? Nope, we shall press on, nothing will stop the doer of right and the fighter of wrong, district attorney Mista Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong.
A quick note; during all this time, stuff is going on behind the scenes. The Duke president suspended the lacrosse team from play, the lacrosse coach resigned and on April 15th, “The Rev. Jesse Jackson said his Rainbow/PUSH Coalition would pay the college tuition of a black woman (Crystal Gale “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue” Mangum) who alleged white members of the Duke University lacrosse team raped her”, this according to Fox news. The plot thickens.
Fourth, April 17th, the grand jury meets to hear Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong’s evidence. At this point, considering there really is no evidence to prove that these young men did anything wrong, but only the word of Crystal Gale “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue” Mangum and because of her continuing “evolving” story, wouldn’t you think a group of intelligent, perceptive, fair minded citizens would drop any sort of charges? Unless all these folks sit on their front porches in rockers, playing banjo’s and drinking moon shine (am I stereotyping southerners?), then they should have pulled an Atticus Finch and stood up for the falsely accused. For those of you not familiar with Atticus Finch, he was the attorney in the book “To Kill a Mockingbird” written by Harper Lee. He was hired to defend a black man in the Deep South who was accused of raping a white woman in the 1940’s. It was later made into a movie staring Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch. It is my favorite movie of all time and I give it two thumbs up and would make it three if I had another hand.
Fifth, April 18th, “Two Duke University lacrosse players were arrested early Tuesday on charges of rape, sexual offense and kidnapping, and the Durham prosecutor hopes to charge a third person in the case”, this according to Fox news. “ATTENTION: The lynch mob has assembled; all those falsely accused please report for hanging!”
So, from March 14th until April 18th, with a media circuses just adding to the mix, three totally innocent young men were facing years in prison. I say they are “innocent”, not “not guilty” because these are the words of North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper. In a strong statement just short of saying Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong may have done something criminal, AG Cooper totally exonerated the three lacrosse players and called Crystal Gale “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue” Mangum a liar. Those aren’t his exact words but they are pretty close.
According to news reports, Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong pushed this investigation for one reason and one reason only; politics. What I have gleaned is that Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong was given advice to the effect that he needed to be elected to one more term as district attorney to get his full pension and benefits package. So, Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong decided his personal comfort in the twilight of his life was far more important than those of three spoiled white college boys. His constituents were mostly black and he figured if he could show his homies just how down he was in protecting the dignity of even the most nappy headed of hoes, they would all just vote for his lily white ass and keep the narcissistic, self centered, selfish and may I say felonious Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong in his position as district attorney. He should be gutted.
Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong isn’t alone in this. There are Duke Professors who signed petitions against these young men. There are black leaders who owe apologies for slandering these three men and there are students who in the name of political correctness protested against them too.
Last night as the Red Sox were losing, a friend posed the question that if Don Imus must apologize to the Rutgers girls basketball team for calling them names , shouldn’t the reverend Jesse Jackson have to apologize to the Duke players for what he did to them? What is worse, being called a name or having to live for a year with what those young men had to live with?
Those Duke Lacrosse players were being persecuted and prosecuted by a man with the power to take their lives, their very existence and put them into a living hell. We are all given one life to live and Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong was willing to destroy three lives so he could live his comfortably. I need to see moral outrage against this man. I need to see a system that will take a person like Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong and put him away for a long time. He was voted into an office and given a public trust that he violated and he did it knowingly, premeditatedly and for personal gain. This is tantamount to attempted first degree murder and should be prosecuted as such.
As for Crystal Gale “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue” Mangum, her life is already a living hell.
First, on the night 0f March 13th, 2006, Crystal Gale “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue” Mangum was hired for her expertise in the nappy headed hoe department by members of the Duke University Men’s Lacrosse team. Personally I think it would have added a whole new twist to everything if it had been the Duke University Women’s Lacrosse team but I digress.
Second, on March 14th, Crystal Gale “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue” Mangum files a complaint with the police saying she was raped. Being the feminist that I am, I understand that no matter how nappy the hair or how big the hoe, NO MEANS NO!
Third, on March the 24th, investigators take DNA samples from 46 of the 47 lacrosse players. Being an avid fan of C.S.I., I know that we all have different DNA and if those nasty boys on the team were doing the nasty with Crystal Gale “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue” Mangum, there would be certain, let us say, bodily fluids containing those dirty boy’s DNA. Case closed, end of story. Not so fast my sexually obsessed comrades.
Third, April 10th, defense attorneys say DNA evidence fails to connect the lacrosse players to the alleged victim and her alleged rape. If the DNA don’t fit you must acquit, right? Nope, we shall press on, nothing will stop the doer of right and the fighter of wrong, district attorney Mista Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong.
A quick note; during all this time, stuff is going on behind the scenes. The Duke president suspended the lacrosse team from play, the lacrosse coach resigned and on April 15th, “The Rev. Jesse Jackson said his Rainbow/PUSH Coalition would pay the college tuition of a black woman (Crystal Gale “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue” Mangum) who alleged white members of the Duke University lacrosse team raped her”, this according to Fox news. The plot thickens.
Fourth, April 17th, the grand jury meets to hear Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong’s evidence. At this point, considering there really is no evidence to prove that these young men did anything wrong, but only the word of Crystal Gale “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue” Mangum and because of her continuing “evolving” story, wouldn’t you think a group of intelligent, perceptive, fair minded citizens would drop any sort of charges? Unless all these folks sit on their front porches in rockers, playing banjo’s and drinking moon shine (am I stereotyping southerners?), then they should have pulled an Atticus Finch and stood up for the falsely accused. For those of you not familiar with Atticus Finch, he was the attorney in the book “To Kill a Mockingbird” written by Harper Lee. He was hired to defend a black man in the Deep South who was accused of raping a white woman in the 1940’s. It was later made into a movie staring Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch. It is my favorite movie of all time and I give it two thumbs up and would make it three if I had another hand.
Fifth, April 18th, “Two Duke University lacrosse players were arrested early Tuesday on charges of rape, sexual offense and kidnapping, and the Durham prosecutor hopes to charge a third person in the case”, this according to Fox news. “ATTENTION: The lynch mob has assembled; all those falsely accused please report for hanging!”
So, from March 14th until April 18th, with a media circuses just adding to the mix, three totally innocent young men were facing years in prison. I say they are “innocent”, not “not guilty” because these are the words of North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper. In a strong statement just short of saying Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong may have done something criminal, AG Cooper totally exonerated the three lacrosse players and called Crystal Gale “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue” Mangum a liar. Those aren’t his exact words but they are pretty close.
According to news reports, Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong pushed this investigation for one reason and one reason only; politics. What I have gleaned is that Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong was given advice to the effect that he needed to be elected to one more term as district attorney to get his full pension and benefits package. So, Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong decided his personal comfort in the twilight of his life was far more important than those of three spoiled white college boys. His constituents were mostly black and he figured if he could show his homies just how down he was in protecting the dignity of even the most nappy headed of hoes, they would all just vote for his lily white ass and keep the narcissistic, self centered, selfish and may I say felonious Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong in his position as district attorney. He should be gutted.
Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong isn’t alone in this. There are Duke Professors who signed petitions against these young men. There are black leaders who owe apologies for slandering these three men and there are students who in the name of political correctness protested against them too.
Last night as the Red Sox were losing, a friend posed the question that if Don Imus must apologize to the Rutgers girls basketball team for calling them names , shouldn’t the reverend Jesse Jackson have to apologize to the Duke players for what he did to them? What is worse, being called a name or having to live for a year with what those young men had to live with?
Those Duke Lacrosse players were being persecuted and prosecuted by a man with the power to take their lives, their very existence and put them into a living hell. We are all given one life to live and Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong was willing to destroy three lives so he could live his comfortably. I need to see moral outrage against this man. I need to see a system that will take a person like Mike “Busta Crime” Nifong and put him away for a long time. He was voted into an office and given a public trust that he violated and he did it knowingly, premeditatedly and for personal gain. This is tantamount to attempted first degree murder and should be prosecuted as such.
As for Crystal Gale “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue” Mangum, her life is already a living hell.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Is That Knappy With a "K"?
When I was in high school I had a history teacher that called me a big nosed guinea. Everyone got a good laugh from that one, including myself. Of course we all called him “pumpkin head” behind his back, so it really was kind of pay back. But still, we thought it was funny and we moved on.
When Don Imus called the Rutgers girls basketball team “nappy headed hoes”, it revealed a lot about him and his character and it also revealed a lot about the character of the black community and its leaders. I could go into the hypocrisies that are so apparent but those have been shown and everyone already knows what they are. More importantly, I think the way the black leaders treat the people they are supposed to be leading reveals an agenda that will never let those people rise to their full potentials.
When a black man calls his wife, sister, mother, girlfriend or daughter a hoe or a bitch, he is showing disrespect. Now, blacks say it alright for them to call each other “nigger” and it is OK for the men to call their women “hoes”, but as much as words mean things to people, those names mean something too. How can you respect a person you call a derogatory name all the time? It is way too common in the black culture and the relevancy of it should not be overlooked.
And what about the way the blacks dress? Crooked hats, baggy pants half way down their asses and jackets that resemble prison garb. What message is being sent? The crooked hat makes a person, black or white, look like Moron’s younger brother Idiot. So why do the black men like to wear them like that? Big, baggy pants worn low are a sign of submission. The tough guys in jail would make the not so tough guys wear their pants like that for obvious reasons. I would want to wear my pants up around my neck; high waters would be my fashion of choice. But the black community seems to think prison fashion is cool but there can be no pride in a people that degrade themselves at every turn, through dress, language, attitude and responsibility.
When the Rutgers coach was making her speech about the Imus incident, she said he took their joy. She said all their work and efforts were overshadowed and ruined by those comments. What this says is she is dependent upon other people to give her and her team something. If a person can take your joy, weren’t you dependent on that person to give you that joy in the first place? Doesn’t this attitude reflect what the leaders of the black community want the black community to think?
For a people to progress, flourish and thrive, it must have the courage to face whatever adversity comes its way and hold its head high. Never should one lower himself to the muck and mire of ignorance and allow himself to be controlled by it. What would happen if instead of crying about Imus’ ignorance and telling the world how hurt and destroyed by it they were, those players and coaches rose above it, ignored it and allowed only their achievements to define them?
The few black voices out there that want blacks to take personal responsibility for themselves and their lives are overshadowed by the black leaders who want to keep blacks marinated in victimness. How do blacks ever rise to their full potential if they can’t even withstand the name calling of an ancient idiot whose only listening audience is his immediate family and those living next door to them?
Where are the black hero’s that will beckon to all blacks to push forward? Where are the black leaders, the pillars of their communities that will urge all blacks not to be dependent on anyone but themselves? What black leader is going to say to all blacks that no race other than their own should define them and that there is no limit to what they can do if they work hard and have pride?
Slavery didn’t ruin blacks, keeping them dependent has. As long as we give blacks just enough to live on, keep them dependent, they will never have pride or dignity. Why won’t the black leaders try to lead blacks away from this culture of dependence that keeps them as victims? Too many people are gaining fame and fortune by keeping the status quo and an entire race of people are paying the price.
I was a big nosed guinea and I was proud of it because I was proud of being of Italian heritage. Some how the blacks need to gain their own pride and it starts with them.
When Don Imus called the Rutgers girls basketball team “nappy headed hoes”, it revealed a lot about him and his character and it also revealed a lot about the character of the black community and its leaders. I could go into the hypocrisies that are so apparent but those have been shown and everyone already knows what they are. More importantly, I think the way the black leaders treat the people they are supposed to be leading reveals an agenda that will never let those people rise to their full potentials.
When a black man calls his wife, sister, mother, girlfriend or daughter a hoe or a bitch, he is showing disrespect. Now, blacks say it alright for them to call each other “nigger” and it is OK for the men to call their women “hoes”, but as much as words mean things to people, those names mean something too. How can you respect a person you call a derogatory name all the time? It is way too common in the black culture and the relevancy of it should not be overlooked.
And what about the way the blacks dress? Crooked hats, baggy pants half way down their asses and jackets that resemble prison garb. What message is being sent? The crooked hat makes a person, black or white, look like Moron’s younger brother Idiot. So why do the black men like to wear them like that? Big, baggy pants worn low are a sign of submission. The tough guys in jail would make the not so tough guys wear their pants like that for obvious reasons. I would want to wear my pants up around my neck; high waters would be my fashion of choice. But the black community seems to think prison fashion is cool but there can be no pride in a people that degrade themselves at every turn, through dress, language, attitude and responsibility.
When the Rutgers coach was making her speech about the Imus incident, she said he took their joy. She said all their work and efforts were overshadowed and ruined by those comments. What this says is she is dependent upon other people to give her and her team something. If a person can take your joy, weren’t you dependent on that person to give you that joy in the first place? Doesn’t this attitude reflect what the leaders of the black community want the black community to think?
For a people to progress, flourish and thrive, it must have the courage to face whatever adversity comes its way and hold its head high. Never should one lower himself to the muck and mire of ignorance and allow himself to be controlled by it. What would happen if instead of crying about Imus’ ignorance and telling the world how hurt and destroyed by it they were, those players and coaches rose above it, ignored it and allowed only their achievements to define them?
The few black voices out there that want blacks to take personal responsibility for themselves and their lives are overshadowed by the black leaders who want to keep blacks marinated in victimness. How do blacks ever rise to their full potential if they can’t even withstand the name calling of an ancient idiot whose only listening audience is his immediate family and those living next door to them?
Where are the black hero’s that will beckon to all blacks to push forward? Where are the black leaders, the pillars of their communities that will urge all blacks not to be dependent on anyone but themselves? What black leader is going to say to all blacks that no race other than their own should define them and that there is no limit to what they can do if they work hard and have pride?
Slavery didn’t ruin blacks, keeping them dependent has. As long as we give blacks just enough to live on, keep them dependent, they will never have pride or dignity. Why won’t the black leaders try to lead blacks away from this culture of dependence that keeps them as victims? Too many people are gaining fame and fortune by keeping the status quo and an entire race of people are paying the price.
I was a big nosed guinea and I was proud of it because I was proud of being of Italian heritage. Some how the blacks need to gain their own pride and it starts with them.
Monday, April 9, 2007
The Barber
The barber said, ‘I bet I have done probably a million heads in my day….well, let me think, 50 a day for ovah 60 years, cept Sundays and Christmas, Thanksgiving and the fourth of July, a few othah holidays. It was durin the War, you know, World War Two, we just called it the War back in them days caus’ everyone was involved in some ways or tuther in it and everyone knew just what you was talkin about when you said The war. Anyways, it was durin the War that we had to use brass scissors caus’ they needed the stainless steel for The War. Brass scissors and everyone gave up all kinds of stuff back in The War. You even gave up your tin cans. Not just tin cans, women gave up their nylons, their stockins, cause they needed em for parachutes, for the jumpas, the airborne guys, so the ladies had no nylon stockins. Kids would be all ovah town with their wagons gettin stuff, things that be junk today but back durin The War it was gold. We all knew we had to help, we didn’t want no stinkin dictatas takin us ovah and makin us goosestep round town with our hands up in the air and sayin “heil Hitler”. And worse would be the Japs, flyin in here and droppin them bombs on us without any kind of stinkin warnin, just bombs away and look out below. I was just sittin in the parlor when I heard bout them sneakin up on them poor fellas out there at Pearly harbor. We gave them back a good what –for before it was all said and done though. I bet them Jappy fellas were some sorry they took and snuck up on us.'
' Christmas, it was close to Christmas when that whole mess got goin. It didn’t quite seem like it should be Christmas after all that to-do was goin on, but it was and we made the best of it but it weren’t easy. It didn’t seem right to be gettin stuff when we had boys bein shipped out to kill or get killed and we had so many that already had got killed. My momma said we all needed to remember what Christmas was all bouts in the first place so we did it mostly for her and my grandma but it still didn’t seem like Christmas at all. We still had ourselves a great tree, loaded right up with some of the prettiest ornaments, my momma was tryin to put all that bad stuff in the back, away from everythin she loved and wanted to keep ahold of, and we did our best to make it happen like that for her, but it weren’t the same.'
'I bet that for the most part we knew we was gonna win that War cause we knew we hadn’t a choice. If we was to be losein it we might just as well has gotten killed in the first place, it wouldn’t be worth livin like the way they wanted us to be liven under them dictatatas. Our boys were tough, brave, they nevah came back sayin they was evah scared. They might say they had some times where things got to bein a little hairy for em, where maybe they got to thinkin they might not get back in one piece, and some of em didn’t, but they never said they was scared.'
'Sometimes I wonder what them boys that didn’t make it back would have made of themselves. I look at the way I lived, cuttin hair, meetin folks, then havin myself a family and all that goes with that and I wonder how things would have been different if all those boys hadn’t gotten killed and had got to come back and meet a sweetheart and got to have themselves a house load of kids. What would those boys have invented or built? It seems like such a shame, a waste, but they all know’d they was there for a reason, a good reason, the best reason there could be cause they was makin things good for the rest of us so we could do all those things.'
'I never was thinkin how that fight was too tough for them boys. Everybody would slap those boys on the back when they got home, tell em how proud we was of em and how much we appreciated em for doin them things they had to do. Never did anyone ever say that we couldn’t do it. Nope, we knew there was nothin we couldn’t do if we all stood togetha. And everyone did stand togetha, everyone was ready to do their part. Those was probably the hardest times ever for our country but no one said it. I rememba the neighbors boy was wounded real bad, his momma got word of it. That woman never once got mad or angry. She never cried or complained. All she ever did was ask us to do some prayin for her boy. Her boy died but she didn’t get mad, she didn’t get angry, she didn’t blame no one at all cept those what killed her boy. She was mad as hell at em. All she kept sayin was how she wanted to be sure her boy’s life was used for somthin, not wasted. She wanted everyone to be thinkin of her boy in good ways. And we all was.'
'I think that when people is fightin for other people then those people what are bein fought for are humbled. They just get to thinkin about the sacrifices bein made for em and know that no matta how hard they try there ain’t no way to ever thank those doin the fightin. What do you do? Do ya tell em what a great job they is doin? Nope, I think the only way to tell em is to show em. Yup, show em by being a good person, a person what appreciates bein alive and bein free cause of what those boys gave up for em. You ain’t gotta be a great scientist or a president or a famous actor, nope you ain’t gotta be any of those…..but, you do owe them to be the best you can be at whateva you decide to be, cause they gave you the freedom and the rights to be what you wanna be. They swapped their time, their energies, and some their lives so we can breath free air and live free lives. We sure is lucky to have people likes that around us. We sure is lucky.’
' Christmas, it was close to Christmas when that whole mess got goin. It didn’t quite seem like it should be Christmas after all that to-do was goin on, but it was and we made the best of it but it weren’t easy. It didn’t seem right to be gettin stuff when we had boys bein shipped out to kill or get killed and we had so many that already had got killed. My momma said we all needed to remember what Christmas was all bouts in the first place so we did it mostly for her and my grandma but it still didn’t seem like Christmas at all. We still had ourselves a great tree, loaded right up with some of the prettiest ornaments, my momma was tryin to put all that bad stuff in the back, away from everythin she loved and wanted to keep ahold of, and we did our best to make it happen like that for her, but it weren’t the same.'
'I bet that for the most part we knew we was gonna win that War cause we knew we hadn’t a choice. If we was to be losein it we might just as well has gotten killed in the first place, it wouldn’t be worth livin like the way they wanted us to be liven under them dictatatas. Our boys were tough, brave, they nevah came back sayin they was evah scared. They might say they had some times where things got to bein a little hairy for em, where maybe they got to thinkin they might not get back in one piece, and some of em didn’t, but they never said they was scared.'
'Sometimes I wonder what them boys that didn’t make it back would have made of themselves. I look at the way I lived, cuttin hair, meetin folks, then havin myself a family and all that goes with that and I wonder how things would have been different if all those boys hadn’t gotten killed and had got to come back and meet a sweetheart and got to have themselves a house load of kids. What would those boys have invented or built? It seems like such a shame, a waste, but they all know’d they was there for a reason, a good reason, the best reason there could be cause they was makin things good for the rest of us so we could do all those things.'
'I never was thinkin how that fight was too tough for them boys. Everybody would slap those boys on the back when they got home, tell em how proud we was of em and how much we appreciated em for doin them things they had to do. Never did anyone ever say that we couldn’t do it. Nope, we knew there was nothin we couldn’t do if we all stood togetha. And everyone did stand togetha, everyone was ready to do their part. Those was probably the hardest times ever for our country but no one said it. I rememba the neighbors boy was wounded real bad, his momma got word of it. That woman never once got mad or angry. She never cried or complained. All she ever did was ask us to do some prayin for her boy. Her boy died but she didn’t get mad, she didn’t get angry, she didn’t blame no one at all cept those what killed her boy. She was mad as hell at em. All she kept sayin was how she wanted to be sure her boy’s life was used for somthin, not wasted. She wanted everyone to be thinkin of her boy in good ways. And we all was.'
'I think that when people is fightin for other people then those people what are bein fought for are humbled. They just get to thinkin about the sacrifices bein made for em and know that no matta how hard they try there ain’t no way to ever thank those doin the fightin. What do you do? Do ya tell em what a great job they is doin? Nope, I think the only way to tell em is to show em. Yup, show em by being a good person, a person what appreciates bein alive and bein free cause of what those boys gave up for em. You ain’t gotta be a great scientist or a president or a famous actor, nope you ain’t gotta be any of those…..but, you do owe them to be the best you can be at whateva you decide to be, cause they gave you the freedom and the rights to be what you wanna be. They swapped their time, their energies, and some their lives so we can breath free air and live free lives. We sure is lucky to have people likes that around us. We sure is lucky.’
Sunday, April 8, 2007
I Know You Are But What Am I?
In the last two months scandal has rocked the presidency. First, Scooter Libby was convicted of lying under oath to federal prosecutors and second, attorney general Gonzales has been accused of shifty practices in dealing with federal prosecutors. With stuff like this going on at the highest seat of government, how is our country supposed to operate?
Thank god we have a democratic congress now that will take all the time it needs, and will put fourth the energy and funds to make sure these things are thoroughly investigated. I know that Ms. Pelosi promised the American people that time and energy wouldn’t be wasted on frivolous investigations and that the real purpose of a democratically run house would be to get the people’s work done, but come on folks, how can we all expect the government to run with such scoundrels at the helm?
Alright my dim witted, commie friends, enough of the pulling of your pinko chains.
The Scooter Libby debacle was the result of an investigation that proved nothing was done wrong yet produced a perjurer. The firing of federal prosecutors was totally legal, ethical and S.O.P done by all administrations. Clinton fired 93 federal prosecutors his first week in office yet not one word was uttered by the left wing, mainstream press. So, there is no debate, there is nothing left to be said, I guess we know where the democrat’s priorities are.
The democrats are nothing more than an opposition party, they have no ideas, and they have no means of leading. The left wins by criticizing and character assassination.
This is supposed to be the agenda of the left………
Feed the poor by taxing the rich.
Shelter the homeless by taxing the rich.
Cure every disease by taxing the rich.
Make sure women have the right to kill their unwanted fetuses by taxing the rich.
Control all guns by taxing the rich.
Protect our soldiers (I still think they are supposed to protect us), by giving them the supplies they need and getting them home…. by taxing the rich.
Stop global warming by taxing the rich.
I have to be honest with you; the left has dropped the ball all the way around. I remember Ms. Pelosi promising the most ethical congress ever. The time of the “culture of corruption” is now officially over! Not so fast my communist manifesto toting amigos.
The agenda of the left is just so much hear-say now. They repeat all the crap, except the taxing of the rich part, like a mantra. “WHEN-CLINTON- LIED-NOBODY-DIED.”…..remember that one? Now their whole agenda sounds like that. But they do have plenty of stuff they can be investigating; unfortunately the stuff is on the democrat’s side.
What ever happened to Democrat William Jefferson of Louisiana who was found to have $90,000.00 wrapped in foil in the freezer of his New Orleans home? He had to get the Louisiana National Guard to escort him to his Katrina flooded abode to retrieve his ill gotten gains, taking them away from their jobs of rescuing flood victims and feeding his starving constituency. Instead of yelling for justice because it is apparent the cash was a bribe, the congress made a big stink about the FBI looking for evidence in his congressional office. Remember? I ain’t heard a thing about that one.
And what about madam Feinstein of California. She seems to have gotten herself into a bit of a pickle. You see, she has been approving the spending of defense funds to a defense contractor that just so happens to have her husband as a top executive. Hmmm, this isn’t a culture of corruption; it’s a whole damn Petri dish of the stuff.
Now Ms. Pelosi has decided to take trips to foreign lands and promise foreign leaders stuff from other foreign leaders. Another slight problem; said trip is illegal and said promises were never made. How much is she going to spend investigating herself? I hope that if she does decide to investigate herself that she shaves a bit of hair away from her right temple to look for the number 666 there, it might explain a lot.
There is more but I am tired and don’t feel like going into it right now. By ending today’s blog I just want to ask one question; if any of the stuff I have mentioned concerning the democrats had been done by a republican, do you think the main stream media would let it slide the way they have? Trent Lott makes a questionable comment at a birthday party and is forced to resign his leadership role while Byrd of West Virginia was a Ku Klux Klan dude and nothing is mentioned. Clarence Thomas is alleged to have said the word “pubic” hair and is vilified by the left in an attempt to keep him off the supreme court while Clinton lies to a grand jury about sexual relations with an underling (in more ways than one), and he is excused because he is married to a bitch….at least I think that’s the reason.
I hope the dems keep up the good work, Comedy Central needs the material.
Thank god we have a democratic congress now that will take all the time it needs, and will put fourth the energy and funds to make sure these things are thoroughly investigated. I know that Ms. Pelosi promised the American people that time and energy wouldn’t be wasted on frivolous investigations and that the real purpose of a democratically run house would be to get the people’s work done, but come on folks, how can we all expect the government to run with such scoundrels at the helm?
Alright my dim witted, commie friends, enough of the pulling of your pinko chains.
The Scooter Libby debacle was the result of an investigation that proved nothing was done wrong yet produced a perjurer. The firing of federal prosecutors was totally legal, ethical and S.O.P done by all administrations. Clinton fired 93 federal prosecutors his first week in office yet not one word was uttered by the left wing, mainstream press. So, there is no debate, there is nothing left to be said, I guess we know where the democrat’s priorities are.
The democrats are nothing more than an opposition party, they have no ideas, and they have no means of leading. The left wins by criticizing and character assassination.
This is supposed to be the agenda of the left………
Feed the poor by taxing the rich.
Shelter the homeless by taxing the rich.
Cure every disease by taxing the rich.
Make sure women have the right to kill their unwanted fetuses by taxing the rich.
Control all guns by taxing the rich.
Protect our soldiers (I still think they are supposed to protect us), by giving them the supplies they need and getting them home…. by taxing the rich.
Stop global warming by taxing the rich.
I have to be honest with you; the left has dropped the ball all the way around. I remember Ms. Pelosi promising the most ethical congress ever. The time of the “culture of corruption” is now officially over! Not so fast my communist manifesto toting amigos.
The agenda of the left is just so much hear-say now. They repeat all the crap, except the taxing of the rich part, like a mantra. “WHEN-CLINTON- LIED-NOBODY-DIED.”…..remember that one? Now their whole agenda sounds like that. But they do have plenty of stuff they can be investigating; unfortunately the stuff is on the democrat’s side.
What ever happened to Democrat William Jefferson of Louisiana who was found to have $90,000.00 wrapped in foil in the freezer of his New Orleans home? He had to get the Louisiana National Guard to escort him to his Katrina flooded abode to retrieve his ill gotten gains, taking them away from their jobs of rescuing flood victims and feeding his starving constituency. Instead of yelling for justice because it is apparent the cash was a bribe, the congress made a big stink about the FBI looking for evidence in his congressional office. Remember? I ain’t heard a thing about that one.
And what about madam Feinstein of California. She seems to have gotten herself into a bit of a pickle. You see, she has been approving the spending of defense funds to a defense contractor that just so happens to have her husband as a top executive. Hmmm, this isn’t a culture of corruption; it’s a whole damn Petri dish of the stuff.
Now Ms. Pelosi has decided to take trips to foreign lands and promise foreign leaders stuff from other foreign leaders. Another slight problem; said trip is illegal and said promises were never made. How much is she going to spend investigating herself? I hope that if she does decide to investigate herself that she shaves a bit of hair away from her right temple to look for the number 666 there, it might explain a lot.
There is more but I am tired and don’t feel like going into it right now. By ending today’s blog I just want to ask one question; if any of the stuff I have mentioned concerning the democrats had been done by a republican, do you think the main stream media would let it slide the way they have? Trent Lott makes a questionable comment at a birthday party and is forced to resign his leadership role while Byrd of West Virginia was a Ku Klux Klan dude and nothing is mentioned. Clarence Thomas is alleged to have said the word “pubic” hair and is vilified by the left in an attempt to keep him off the supreme court while Clinton lies to a grand jury about sexual relations with an underling (in more ways than one), and he is excused because he is married to a bitch….at least I think that’s the reason.
I hope the dems keep up the good work, Comedy Central needs the material.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
excuses, excuses
I didn’t have time to listen to the news this morning because of events which transpired late in the evening. I apologize for being lax. I did have time to think about my next blog though, one which may surprise those on the left and the right. I do have one question for my left leaning friends; can Democrat politicians do anything wrong……..ever?
Friday, April 6, 2007
Fair and Balanced?
At the age of 49, I spent the first 32 years of my life watching, hearing and smelling nothing but a left wing biased news media on television, on the radio and in the newspapers. As most people in my age group, I was busy with work and family and didn't have a lot of time to discern between what was suppose to be news and what was being put out there with a political agenda. Save the whales, save the dolphins, hug a tree, were widely accepted as main stream stuff. So many homeless dying in the streets, families living in their cars, huge divides between the haves and have-nots, more stuff we needed to hear about relentlessly. I could go on and on about the things we were bombarded with and how we were all suppose to feel guilty, but I think you get the point. This changed one day in the cellar of my business when I happened upon a talk radio show using the term "fema-nazi". I was aghast and I was hooked.
OK, so now you think I am a mindless zombie who just drinks the kool-aid and spews radical right wing propaganda. How wrong you are my pinko friends. All that radio show did was show that there is another side to what I had been hearing and seeing my entire life. Am
I brainwashed now by the right wing? The definition of brainwashing according to the American Heritage dictionary is as follows; "brainwashing n. Intensive, force-able indoctrination aimed at replacing a person's basic convictions with an alternative set of fixed beliefs." Mindless? I don't think so. I now consider myself fair and balanced.
This is the definition of balance; an influence or force tending to produce equalibrium. Now, if I had been influenced by the left my entire life, 32 years, and for 17 years I have been paying attention to both sides of the news then I am still out of whack with the right and considerably leaning further to the left. I need to listen to right wing propaganda for at least another 15 years with no influence from the left at all to reach a balance. This ain't happening and I will tell you why.
I awake everyday to left wing news. I listen to talk radio and the news comes on every half hour. CNN radio network belches out Democrat talking points endlessly. I hear about war deaths and global warming, corrupt businesses and government saviors. I hear how government spending cuts would ruin our education system and cause our old folks into economic chaos. Grandma and Grandpa are going to have to make a choice; eat dog food or buy medicine and the rest of us are causing it because we don't want to go broke paying taxes. We hear about right wing christian fanatics who want to control our sex lives and make women have abortions in back allies at the hands of leering Doctors with Josef Mengella agendas. Smokers are evil. Drunk drivers are worse than terrorists. We have to be in a constant state of crisis. I don't insulate myself from this so-called news, I absorb it, analyze it, think about what the other side of the story could be, ask why the story is being reported in the first place and wonder if we really need to hear what other people "feel" about the story.
I listen to the endless polls being reported, ask who these pollsters polled and wonder why people's opinions need to be in the news in the first place. Are we all supposed to hear the polls and then follow the crowd so we don't have to actually think about things? I guess. If everyone believes something then it must be right and we don't have to look into it, we don't need to think, we just need to follow.
I have decided to take things into my own hands. From now on, I will post news reports, let you decide if the news is worthy of reporting and let you decide whether or not there is an agenda. As Glenn Beck says," I am not an expert but I am a thinker", all I ask is that you be a thinker too. Be open minded and think about what is being reported and why. I will do this as often as I can and I will not pick and choose, I will simply put it out there.
9:30 local news, school bus accident, power out in some places, shelters open. testimony about an alleged murderer. nationally; melting glaciers, hunger, destruction because of global warming. new jobs created...and golf.
More stuff tomorrow.
OK, so now you think I am a mindless zombie who just drinks the kool-aid and spews radical right wing propaganda. How wrong you are my pinko friends. All that radio show did was show that there is another side to what I had been hearing and seeing my entire life. Am
I brainwashed now by the right wing? The definition of brainwashing according to the American Heritage dictionary is as follows; "brainwashing n. Intensive, force-able indoctrination aimed at replacing a person's basic convictions with an alternative set of fixed beliefs." Mindless? I don't think so. I now consider myself fair and balanced.
This is the definition of balance; an influence or force tending to produce equalibrium. Now, if I had been influenced by the left my entire life, 32 years, and for 17 years I have been paying attention to both sides of the news then I am still out of whack with the right and considerably leaning further to the left. I need to listen to right wing propaganda for at least another 15 years with no influence from the left at all to reach a balance. This ain't happening and I will tell you why.
I awake everyday to left wing news. I listen to talk radio and the news comes on every half hour. CNN radio network belches out Democrat talking points endlessly. I hear about war deaths and global warming, corrupt businesses and government saviors. I hear how government spending cuts would ruin our education system and cause our old folks into economic chaos. Grandma and Grandpa are going to have to make a choice; eat dog food or buy medicine and the rest of us are causing it because we don't want to go broke paying taxes. We hear about right wing christian fanatics who want to control our sex lives and make women have abortions in back allies at the hands of leering Doctors with Josef Mengella agendas. Smokers are evil. Drunk drivers are worse than terrorists. We have to be in a constant state of crisis. I don't insulate myself from this so-called news, I absorb it, analyze it, think about what the other side of the story could be, ask why the story is being reported in the first place and wonder if we really need to hear what other people "feel" about the story.
I listen to the endless polls being reported, ask who these pollsters polled and wonder why people's opinions need to be in the news in the first place. Are we all supposed to hear the polls and then follow the crowd so we don't have to actually think about things? I guess. If everyone believes something then it must be right and we don't have to look into it, we don't need to think, we just need to follow.
I have decided to take things into my own hands. From now on, I will post news reports, let you decide if the news is worthy of reporting and let you decide whether or not there is an agenda. As Glenn Beck says," I am not an expert but I am a thinker", all I ask is that you be a thinker too. Be open minded and think about what is being reported and why. I will do this as often as I can and I will not pick and choose, I will simply put it out there.
9:30 local news, school bus accident, power out in some places, shelters open. testimony about an alleged murderer. nationally; melting glaciers, hunger, destruction because of global warming. new jobs created...and golf.
More stuff tomorrow.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Give it to me baby
Nancy Pelosi is being used like a two bit hooker by syria and she seems to be enjoying every minute of it. She is parading around in traditional Muslim headgear with a look- at- me demeanor. As she assumes the position of submission, willing to be used by Syria for it's own propaganda machine's pleasure, the rest of the left is applauding the sacrifice of her dignity.
What choice does the left have? They have politicised the war on terror to such an extent that if the United States even appears to be winning, The President will look good, right and effective. We must lose for Iraq to be another Vietnam. Ms. Pelosi must be willing to bend over and take one for the team to show Americans that in order to be liked and successful on the international front, all you have to do is play nice and submit to everyone else’s needs. See, just like a hooker but on a larger scale.
What sense does it make to not even want to try to win in Iraq when everyone knows what is at stake? Why don’t the Democrats come up with a plan to try to win instead of a plan they know will lose? All we hear from the left is how we have to cut and run to protect our troops. I always thought our troops were supposed to protect us. It is so obvious to anyone who takes a millisecond to think about it that the left wants us to lose because their political future depends on it and they are politically greedy. They will do anything to win power even if it means losing face on the international front.
I don’t think the left knows what it means to lose to these radicals. Ms. Pelosi willingly wears the garb and grabs the ankles for these people and she doesn’t seem to be able to grasp the fact that there is a huge difference between doing it because you want to and doing it because you have to. A hooker does nasty stuff because it is lucrative for her but a woman forced into submission by radicals that view her as on the same level as goats but not as good as camels, does the nasty because she has to. So how much is the left willing to give up for it’s own gain? According to the signals being sent by the Speaker, everything.
Ms. Pelosi’s actions are of her own free will. The left chooses defeat because it is a means that is justifiable to them for a suitable conclusion for them politically. They are willing to bend and keep bending until they get what they want. The more you bend the closer you come to breaking. What will happen when we break? Is the left willing to sacrifice the futures of their daughters, placing them in a constant state of submission because they want power that badly? I guess so. Ms. Pelosi isn’t practicing safe diplomacy; she is at risk and putting everyone else at risk to, all for a few moments of pleasure. Shameless.
What choice does the left have? They have politicised the war on terror to such an extent that if the United States even appears to be winning, The President will look good, right and effective. We must lose for Iraq to be another Vietnam. Ms. Pelosi must be willing to bend over and take one for the team to show Americans that in order to be liked and successful on the international front, all you have to do is play nice and submit to everyone else’s needs. See, just like a hooker but on a larger scale.
What sense does it make to not even want to try to win in Iraq when everyone knows what is at stake? Why don’t the Democrats come up with a plan to try to win instead of a plan they know will lose? All we hear from the left is how we have to cut and run to protect our troops. I always thought our troops were supposed to protect us. It is so obvious to anyone who takes a millisecond to think about it that the left wants us to lose because their political future depends on it and they are politically greedy. They will do anything to win power even if it means losing face on the international front.
I don’t think the left knows what it means to lose to these radicals. Ms. Pelosi willingly wears the garb and grabs the ankles for these people and she doesn’t seem to be able to grasp the fact that there is a huge difference between doing it because you want to and doing it because you have to. A hooker does nasty stuff because it is lucrative for her but a woman forced into submission by radicals that view her as on the same level as goats but not as good as camels, does the nasty because she has to. So how much is the left willing to give up for it’s own gain? According to the signals being sent by the Speaker, everything.
Ms. Pelosi’s actions are of her own free will. The left chooses defeat because it is a means that is justifiable to them for a suitable conclusion for them politically. They are willing to bend and keep bending until they get what they want. The more you bend the closer you come to breaking. What will happen when we break? Is the left willing to sacrifice the futures of their daughters, placing them in a constant state of submission because they want power that badly? I guess so. Ms. Pelosi isn’t practicing safe diplomacy; she is at risk and putting everyone else at risk to, all for a few moments of pleasure. Shameless.
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