Friday, April 27, 2007

Does Somebody Need A Hug?

I want to warn the commie pinko surrender monkeys who might only like to read politically correct, feel good stuff, DON’T READ THIS! I will only warn you this once, go read the Washington Post or the New York Times. I will not be responsible for bunched panties or bark burns from tight tree hugging. Not even a group hug is going to help; you have been officially warned.

I was watching Harry Reid surrender to the terrorists in Iraq the other day and the first thing that came into my head was; how could a pussy like him be elected to anything? Harry Reid was proclaiming the terrorists as victors like he was ordering salad and a yogurt cup at Panera; it didn’t bother him one bit. Reid would turn the reins of power over to a bunch of thugs who kill women, defenseless old people and innocent children and behead anyone they can, just to make their so-called religious (or maybe it’s political) points. Harry Reid says he has a mandate from the American people so therefore, Harry Reid is surrendering for his own political reasons. So I guess it really isn’t much of a stretch to say that both the murdering terrorists, al Qaeda and Harry Reid, are complicit in trying to defeat the U.S.

O.K., the big question is this; what has happened to the men of America? When half of the men in our country can sit back and watch Harry Reid, possibly the wimpiest man since Don Knots to grace the airwaves, just give up, something is drastically wrong. Are we not men and what does that mean today?

When I was a kid, we watched cowboy movies, army movies and sports. When I was a kid, we played pick-up baseball, basketball and football and the suckiest kid got picked last. When I was a kid we played with toy guns and pretended to kill Injuns, Krauts and Japs. And when I was a kid, there were bullies to be feared and in some cases even respected for instilling that fear, but guess what? We learned to deal with it and you know why? Because that is reality and the real world, not this phony utopia created by feel good pansies. There are people gasping with righteous indignation at what I just said and it’s all true.

Today when we watch cowboy movies they are not about cowboys but instead, sheep boys, and they don’t punch cows, they have sex with each other. Today boys play sports when their parents take them somewhere to play and then they coach them along with their rules about keeping score so nobody loses and nobody feels bad. Nobody plays army anymore, I have no idea what they play but I am sure it has something to do with why white American boys should feel a collective guilt for how our ancestors picked on Native Americans or how the Germans and Japanese were at war with us because we deserved it. And today in our schools, there are rallies against bullies and if a young boy is too aggressive they sedate him with drugs throughout his youth and adolescents.

On the backboards of the basketball hoops at the Boy’s Club in Portland, there is a saying, it goes something like this; “A winner never quits and a quitter never wins”. Back in the days when boys would show up at the gym and play pick- up basketball, those words were taken for granted. If a kid didn’t play hard and with intensity, he would never play or would be humiliated by being chosen last. Not all the kids were great players but if they played hard and were tough, they were respected. Nobody would lose without trying their hardest and if your team was losing, everyone better pick it up because giving up wasn’t what boys did. You hung out with guys and there was a pecking order; guys knew who was tough and who wasn’t and they knew who they could count on and who they couldn’t. There were guys who played basketball with a lot of skill but when things got a little rough, they would back down. There were guys who couldn’t throw a rock in the ocean but they never gave in. This is the reality of the world mirrored on that court and we have lost our grip on that.

We have coddled an entire generation; they accept failure because they don’t really know what that means. They are told that if you just flow along, everything will work out fine. When I coach basketball, at the end of every practice we have a motto that one player is chosen to read to the rest of the team, it is as follows;
1.Respect your team, coaches, officials and every opponent.
2.Practice and play your hardest and best.
3.Win with class or lose with dignity.

Harry Reid doesn’t respect anyone, not our country, our leaders or our military. Harry Reid has no class and is void of dignity but the worse thing of all is this, Harry Reid is a loser and he accepts losing. He wants us all to feel like losers too and Harry Reid has no idea what losing means.

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