Thursday, April 5, 2007

Give it to me baby

Nancy Pelosi is being used like a two bit hooker by syria and she seems to be enjoying every minute of it. She is parading around in traditional Muslim headgear with a look- at- me demeanor. As she assumes the position of submission, willing to be used by Syria for it's own propaganda machine's pleasure, the rest of the left is applauding the sacrifice of her dignity.
What choice does the left have? They have politicised the war on terror to such an extent that if the United States even appears to be winning, The President will look good, right and effective. We must lose for Iraq to be another Vietnam. Ms. Pelosi must be willing to bend over and take one for the team to show Americans that in order to be liked and successful on the international front, all you have to do is play nice and submit to everyone else’s needs. See, just like a hooker but on a larger scale.
What sense does it make to not even want to try to win in Iraq when everyone knows what is at stake? Why don’t the Democrats come up with a plan to try to win instead of a plan they know will lose? All we hear from the left is how we have to cut and run to protect our troops. I always thought our troops were supposed to protect us. It is so obvious to anyone who takes a millisecond to think about it that the left wants us to lose because their political future depends on it and they are politically greedy. They will do anything to win power even if it means losing face on the international front.
I don’t think the left knows what it means to lose to these radicals. Ms. Pelosi willingly wears the garb and grabs the ankles for these people and she doesn’t seem to be able to grasp the fact that there is a huge difference between doing it because you want to and doing it because you have to. A hooker does nasty stuff because it is lucrative for her but a woman forced into submission by radicals that view her as on the same level as goats but not as good as camels, does the nasty because she has to. So how much is the left willing to give up for it’s own gain? According to the signals being sent by the Speaker, everything.
Ms. Pelosi’s actions are of her own free will. The left chooses defeat because it is a means that is justifiable to them for a suitable conclusion for them politically. They are willing to bend and keep bending until they get what they want. The more you bend the closer you come to breaking. What will happen when we break? Is the left willing to sacrifice the futures of their daughters, placing them in a constant state of submission because they want power that badly? I guess so. Ms. Pelosi isn’t practicing safe diplomacy; she is at risk and putting everyone else at risk to, all for a few moments of pleasure. Shameless.

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