Sunday, April 8, 2007

I Know You Are But What Am I?

In the last two months scandal has rocked the presidency. First, Scooter Libby was convicted of lying under oath to federal prosecutors and second, attorney general Gonzales has been accused of shifty practices in dealing with federal prosecutors. With stuff like this going on at the highest seat of government, how is our country supposed to operate?
Thank god we have a democratic congress now that will take all the time it needs, and will put fourth the energy and funds to make sure these things are thoroughly investigated. I know that Ms. Pelosi promised the American people that time and energy wouldn’t be wasted on frivolous investigations and that the real purpose of a democratically run house would be to get the people’s work done, but come on folks, how can we all expect the government to run with such scoundrels at the helm?
Alright my dim witted, commie friends, enough of the pulling of your pinko chains.
The Scooter Libby debacle was the result of an investigation that proved nothing was done wrong yet produced a perjurer. The firing of federal prosecutors was totally legal, ethical and S.O.P done by all administrations. Clinton fired 93 federal prosecutors his first week in office yet not one word was uttered by the left wing, mainstream press. So, there is no debate, there is nothing left to be said, I guess we know where the democrat’s priorities are.
The democrats are nothing more than an opposition party, they have no ideas, and they have no means of leading. The left wins by criticizing and character assassination.
This is supposed to be the agenda of the left………
Feed the poor by taxing the rich.
Shelter the homeless by taxing the rich.
Cure every disease by taxing the rich.
Make sure women have the right to kill their unwanted fetuses by taxing the rich.
Control all guns by taxing the rich.
Protect our soldiers (I still think they are supposed to protect us), by giving them the supplies they need and getting them home…. by taxing the rich.
Stop global warming by taxing the rich.
I have to be honest with you; the left has dropped the ball all the way around. I remember Ms. Pelosi promising the most ethical congress ever. The time of the “culture of corruption” is now officially over! Not so fast my communist manifesto toting amigos.
The agenda of the left is just so much hear-say now. They repeat all the crap, except the taxing of the rich part, like a mantra. “WHEN-CLINTON- LIED-NOBODY-DIED.”…..remember that one? Now their whole agenda sounds like that. But they do have plenty of stuff they can be investigating; unfortunately the stuff is on the democrat’s side.
What ever happened to Democrat William Jefferson of Louisiana who was found to have $90,000.00 wrapped in foil in the freezer of his New Orleans home? He had to get the Louisiana National Guard to escort him to his Katrina flooded abode to retrieve his ill gotten gains, taking them away from their jobs of rescuing flood victims and feeding his starving constituency. Instead of yelling for justice because it is apparent the cash was a bribe, the congress made a big stink about the FBI looking for evidence in his congressional office. Remember? I ain’t heard a thing about that one.
And what about madam Feinstein of California. She seems to have gotten herself into a bit of a pickle. You see, she has been approving the spending of defense funds to a defense contractor that just so happens to have her husband as a top executive. Hmmm, this isn’t a culture of corruption; it’s a whole damn Petri dish of the stuff.
Now Ms. Pelosi has decided to take trips to foreign lands and promise foreign leaders stuff from other foreign leaders. Another slight problem; said trip is illegal and said promises were never made. How much is she going to spend investigating herself? I hope that if she does decide to investigate herself that she shaves a bit of hair away from her right temple to look for the number 666 there, it might explain a lot.
There is more but I am tired and don’t feel like going into it right now. By ending today’s blog I just want to ask one question; if any of the stuff I have mentioned concerning the democrats had been done by a republican, do you think the main stream media would let it slide the way they have? Trent Lott makes a questionable comment at a birthday party and is forced to resign his leadership role while Byrd of West Virginia was a Ku Klux Klan dude and nothing is mentioned. Clarence Thomas is alleged to have said the word “pubic” hair and is vilified by the left in an attempt to keep him off the supreme court while Clinton lies to a grand jury about sexual relations with an underling (in more ways than one), and he is excused because he is married to a bitch….at least I think that’s the reason.
I hope the dems keep up the good work, Comedy Central needs the material.

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