Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Well, It Sounded Good At the Time....

Krazy Killer Korean, (he will be referred to as that throughout this blog because I do not want to use his name for obvious reasons), was crazy. I have heard him referred to as a lunatic, insane, psychotic and a madman; correct by all accounts. Krazy Killer Korean unleashed unthinkable horrors on innocent people because he had the will and means to do so. What bothers me the most about the whole incident was the way all thirty two of those victims, not to mention those still trying to recover from their wounds, were placed in that position of vulnerability by the leaders of VT.

We can conclude that Krazy Killer Korean was insane but Krazy Killer Korean wasn’t stupid. He had been referred to authorities by those who observed his behavior as a possible risk not only to himself but to others. Krazy Killer Korean had stalked people, written insane plays and stories and was a social outcast. Now, I am sure on a campus of 26,000 students, there are probably a few nut jobs but Krazy Killer Korean must have stood out in the crowd. Krazy Killer Korean was mad but he was also intelligent, more intelligent than those that make and enforce the laws at VT.

A quick chronology of events is as follows;
1. Krazy Killer Korean gets accepted to VT.
2. Professors and others deem Krazy Killer Korean a “bit out there” because of his own actions and refer him to authorities.
3. A Judge says Krazy Killer Korean can volunteer for counseling but doesn’t insist upon it.
4. VT’s ruling body passes an edict saying no one can carry a weapon on the VT campus (Krazy Killer Korean must have been absent that day).
5. Krazy Killer Korean buys a couple guns and kills and maims a bunch of people on the campus of VT that had been recently classified as “safe” by those elitist smarty pants that are paid to know such things.

A perfect storm of idiots.

Krazy Killer Korean knew no one was going to stop him once he started his murderous rampage because the brilliant minds that make the rules said they couldn’t. In the perfect world of college professors and academics, theory and civility rule but in the mixed-up, muddled-up, shook-up world that is reality, (the Kinks would appreciate this part), rules are made to be broken. Just because we are a nation of laws doesn’t mean everyone is going to follow them, especially the insane. Why didn't they just ban murder?

I am pissed that we have leaders that pass gun laws as though everyone is going to obey them. Every time a crime is committed with a gun, those same types of elitist leaders that run VT tell us that we need to get rid of guns because they are such a threat to civility. But how many of them have body guards that carry guns? How many senators and representatives in state and federal bodies sit comfortably and safe in their chambers, guarded by police and security agencies that carry guns? And yet they tell us we can’t use guns to protect ourselves and our families. Hypocrisy, and in places like Washington DC and VT that have strict gun laws, a hypocrisy that has proven deadly for innocent people.

I must insert a side note here. What is one of the first things despots like Adolf Hitler do when they gain power? They outlaw the personal possession of firearms. Why do our leaders read our own constitution written by guys like Thomas Jefferson that guarantees our right to bear arms and then think dictators are a better model when it comes to guns?

What incredible arrogance leader’s show when they think they are so important that everyone will be safe just because those pompous asses say they will be. What arrogance is displayed when they can stand before us and say we are safer by the laws they pass then by taking actions we would take to protect ourselves. Laws are made to govern those that obey laws, not those that will do what they want in spite of those laws. Perhaps the victims at VT should have mentioned to Krazy Killer Korean that the brilliant boobs that ran the joint told everyone they couldn’t have guns. And I thought college kids were smart.

I have an idea for a gun law and if it were passed you would need no other. Here it is; if anyone commits a felony using a firearm, they would go to jail for life without parole. Any crime, from robbing a hotdog stand to killing 32 college kids, if you use a gun, you go to jail. What better gun control would you need? The truth of the matter is, we don’t need to control the guns, and we need to control the behavior of those that have guns.

As I now listen to the mindless banter being thrown out there by those who still think controlling inanimate objects will make us safe, I ask you, how well has outlawing drugs worked? Last time I checked, not too good.

Amendment II (1791)
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

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