Monday, May 7, 2007

The Truth About Lying And Liars

According to the American Heritage Dictionary, to “lie” is to “make a false statement deliberately presented as true”.

The left says the war in Iraq is based on the lies of President Bush. The left says the President is a liar like it is a given and not disputable. I shall debunk their wacky notions right here and now. I will not accept the idea that Bush is a liar and the war in Iraq is based on the words of said alleged liar. I am going to put forth the truth and from now on I shall refer to this blog when the lefty pinkos attempt to start their moronic arguments with “givens” that are not “given”.

It has to first be understood where the left is coming from when those of that political malady say that Bush is a liar. I am going to go where the left hates to go and that is into the real truth about Clinton because that is where this all stems from. It is undisputable and not arguable that Clinton was and most likely still is a liar. He lied about Monica, he lied about the burning churches in Arkansas when he was young and he lied about Jennifer Flowers. There is nothing the left can say about any of those lies except that those types of lies don’t matter. Since it is without a doubt that Clinton lied, the bar for lying has been raised and now it isn’t a question of lying anymore but only a question of what is being lied about. Since we know Clinton is a liar we must assume he lies about things we don’t know about. The left will chant their insane mantra; “When Clinton lied, nobody died”, and as far as we know, nobody did; but a perfectly good dress was ruined and Sandy Burger made sure that at least some of the lies will forever go unchallenged.

Clinton lied to a grand jury about Monica Lewinsky when he was being investigated in a sexual harassment suit. If my memory serves me, a guy named Scooter is going to prison for perjury and we still have no idea what he lied about. But I don’t want to get side tracked here. The left will merely write this lie off as a feeble attempt by a love starved, middle aged man, longing for the attentions of a young woman to some how recapture his fleeting youth. Or maybe he just wanted a hummer but whatever the reason, those on the left unable to deny Clinton is a liar always ask the question; “well, wouldn’t you lie about that so your wife wouldn’t find out?” Perhaps most men would lie to a grand jury about that but if they did and got caught most men would go to jail.

And what about those burning black churches that Mr. Bill seems to remember burning in Arkansas when he was young? According to the “Daily Republican”, June 10th, 1996, President William Jefferson Clinton said;

"In our country during the '50s and '60s, black churches were burned to intimidate civil rights workers. I have vivid and painful memories of black churches being burned in my own state when I was a child."

The problem is there were no black churches burned in Arkansas during that time period. And so it goes on. He later said he remembers fires at “black community buildings”, not churches. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

I don’t think I really need to go into the Jennifer Flowers thing; it would just be rubbing salt into the wound at this point. I have made my point that the greatest Democrat icon of the last 15 years was a liar through and through.

This is all leading up to the left’s contention that Bush is a liar and that the magnitude of his lies far out weigh those of Clinton’s because we are at war because of those alleged lies. But wait a minute; didn’t President Bush get his war intelligence from George Tenet? And wasn’t Tenet hired by Clinton? And didn’t Tenet give Clinton the same information he gave Bush? And wasn’t the senate intelligence committee given the same intelligence? And didn’t the senate and the house both vote to invade Iraq based on that intelligence? Yes yes yes yes yes. So can someone please tell me what Bush lied about? There are a plethora of quotes from democrat leaders supporting the invasion of Iraq based on the same intelligence Bush was given. If anyone lied, it was Tenet and I don’t think he knowingly did. Even the pompous and snooty Kerry thought the invasion to be warranted;

"Kerry categorically declared that “Iraq has chemical and biological weapons” and even claimed that most elements of Iraq’s chemical and biological weapons programs were “larger and more advanced than they were before the Gulf War.” Furthermore, Kerry asserted that Iraq was “attempting to develop nuclear weapons,” backing up this accusation by claiming that “all U.S. intelligence experts agree” with such an assessment. He also alleged that “Iraq is developing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) capable of delivering chemical and biological warfare agents, which could threaten Iraq’s neighbors as well as American forces in the Persian Gulf.”

That according to

I realize most of you on the left who may have taken the time to read this are brewing up a lot of “ya buts” and snickering about propaganda and right wing conspiracies. But if you are being honest with yourself, you have to know that despite what you may think of President Bush’s policies, he is not a liar. He has made mistakes and he is a little too liberal for my liking but he isn’t a liar.

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