Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Table For Two.....Overlooking The Water

A pinko friend of mine recently sent me an email accusing the Bush administration of being the most corrupt in history. We made a small wager. I proved him wrong by sending him the endless list of allegations, investigations and convictions incurred by Clinton and his advisors and members of his administration. In return he sent me this email;

"Sam, I see your list of CLINTON MACHINE CRIMES

So now tell me who they were and what their penalites and/or time in jail was. You can provide me with all the so-called allegations and accusations you want, but as you remember $75,000,000 or more was spent by Ken Starr and his right wing lawyers and the only thing they found Clinton did illegally was lying to a grand jury (perjury) for which he was impeached but not found guilty. Yes i agree that a couple other people in his administration committed some trivial crimes like taking free tickets, etc., but every politician does that. I see your source is the Washington Times, which is owned by the Moonies. good source of info. Ha. you need to do better than this. As soon as Abramoff gets done confessing you are going to see a lot more of your republican friends in congress going to jail. how many politicians and staff members went to jail during the clinton administration; only a few. good try but not good enough. from the looks of all the emails you sent me it appears you have too much time on your hand. get a life and i agree with your parents; you shouldn't send them garbage."

A scathing reply but unfortunately for the left, it merely confirms what my earlier blog said about the pinkos being brainwashed.

According to CNN, he was a little off on how much Ken Starr, who by the way was appointed by Clinton, spent on his investigation. He said it was $75,000,000.00 or more but in reality;

“The figures show that Starr's office, through the end of November 1998, had spent $40,835,000. That includes $27,749,000 in direct expenses from independent counsel appropriations and $13,086,000 in unreimbursed expenses incurred by other government agencies.”

Also, according to the same CNN article;

“The most expensive independent counsel probe to date still belongs to Iran-Contra Counsel Lawrence Walsh, who spent $47.4 million.”

So, “when Clinton lied, nobody died” lives and thrives in the pinko minds like a flesh eating bacteria devouring their skulls full of mush. But if you are interested in seeing the “trivial crimes” committed by Clinton and his group, check out this site;

There are just too many to list here.

I have to give him credit for noting rightfully so that the “Washington Times” is owned by the NWC, or New world Communications, Inc. and that this corporation was founded by Sun Myung Moon. So, according to him, the pinko, any information that he doesn’t like that comes from the Washington Times he can discredit. Since it has been proven that the Washington Times is as far right of center as most other papers are to the left of center, does that mean we should discredit all information from those papers too? No and a rather lame pinko argument.

He says;

“As soon as Abramoff gets done confessing you are going to see a lot more of your republican friends in congress going to jail.” Abamoff has implicated as many if not more democrats than republicans. Keep trying.

And then, finally after all the stuff he was wrong about he said I, yours truly, have too much time on my hands and that I should “get a life and i agree with your parents; you shouldn't send them garbage”. The truth is only garbage to the left when it proves them wrong and most of the time it does. All you pinkos stick together.

I appreciate the feedback I get from those on the left and right. But you still owe me dinner.

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