Tuesday, May 29, 2007


“The pageant turned painful for Miss USA Rachel Smith, who suffered a rough trek in the evening gown phase. The high-heels proved hellish as she fell to the stage. She made a quick recovery and the judges showed lenience. The audience seemed less forgiving. During the question and answer segment, the crowd in Mexico City taunted the contestant with loud boos and whistles. Smith stuck to game plan and finished as fourth runner-up.”…… Breibart News

That crowd in Mexico City isn’t made up of potential “illegal immigrants”; it is made up of the Mexican socialites, elitists and the well to do. Wouldn’t one assume that these people would be thankful to the United States for taking the dregs of its society as they sneak across the border, use our emergency rooms, welfare system, commit crimes in unprecedented proportions and fill our jails? Why would they boo and hiss this young woman? It’s simple, because she is an American.

As our politicians sell us out for their own sake, putting all Americans at risk because of the new immigration amnesty law, they can slap each other on the back and high five one another in their geek, nerd like manner, but they have betrayed our trust and their vow to the constitution.

I heard an interesting question the other day; where is the special interest for America? Every group in our country has one but not our country. No one protects the integrity of America when it is constantly put down and denigrated in the press and by our own politicians. So, the rest of the world watches and sees this lack of respect. There is no one out there to counter this, to speak up and point out how much our country gives to the rest of the world. Our history has been to give, sacrifice and die for other people, people we don’t personally know but have suffered injustices. We feed, clothe and tend to the poor of nations that have nothing and they boo a young lady sent to represent us.

I don’t want to stop helping those that need it, I just want respect and an occasional "thank you" would be nice.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Alien Nation

In a FoxNews.com story, dated May 10th, 2007, the citizenship status of the six men who were plotting to attack Fort Dix in New Jersey was disclosed. Here is what it said;

“ The six — Tatar, 23; Abdullahu, 24; Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer, 22; Dritan "Anthony" or "Tony" Duka, 28; Shain Duka, 26; and Eljvir "Elvis" Duka, 23 — appeared in federal court Tuesday in Camden and were ordered held without bail for a hearing Friday. Three were in the United States illegally; two had green cards allowing them to stay in the country permanently; and one is a U.S. citizen.”

Three were in the country illegally. In another FOXNews.com story dated May 9th, 2007, it says that the three brothers accused of the terror plot “entered the United States near Brownsville, Texas”. Another quote from that same article says;

“A federal law enforcement source confirmed to FOX News that the three — Dritan "Anthony" or "Tony" Duka, 28; Shain Duka, 26; and Eljvir "Elvis" Duka, 23 — also accumulated 19 traffic citations, but because they operated in "sanctuary cites," where law enforcement does not routinely report illegal immigrants to homeland security, none of the tickets raised red flags.”

Whatever you want to call these three; illegal immigrants, paperless immigrants, unauthorized immigrants, resident aliens, illegal aliens or undocumented guest workers, they weren’t suppose to be here.

Our government, led by the likes of George Bush and Ted Kennedy, decided in it’s infinite wisdom that everyone that has snuck in the back door of our country will have the right to stay here; it’s called AMNESTY! Despite the fact that 27% of the inmates in our federal prisons are illegal aliens (my name choice), our government is going to just keep them all here. I guess when you live in gated communities and have secret service agents protecting you, it doesn’t matter who you allow to run loose on the streets.

Lawmakers are telling us we need to pass immigration reform because there is nothing guiding us in this crisis. Well, I think they might be wrong and we do have a law already in place that if enforced would solve everything;

“Under Title 8 Section 1325 of the U.S. Code, "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who:
• Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or
• Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or
• Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact;
has committed a federal crime.

Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.”
This from “Americanpatrol.com”.

We have been betrayed by our political leaders; they have mocked those that have used legal means to live in our country, they have persecuted those who work to protect our borders, they have allowed illegal aliens to flood our emergency rooms and welfare systems and they have allowed criminals to prey upon innocent people. As with the invading barbarians that overwhelmed ancient Rome, destroying their culture and their very civilization, I am going to be very politically incorrect and say the illegals will do the same to our country. And we can thank our sanctimonious leaders for letting it happen.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Table For Two.....Overlooking The Water

A pinko friend of mine recently sent me an email accusing the Bush administration of being the most corrupt in history. We made a small wager. I proved him wrong by sending him the endless list of allegations, investigations and convictions incurred by Clinton and his advisors and members of his administration. In return he sent me this email;

"Sam, I see your list of CLINTON MACHINE CRIMES

So now tell me who they were and what their penalites and/or time in jail was. You can provide me with all the so-called allegations and accusations you want, but as you remember $75,000,000 or more was spent by Ken Starr and his right wing lawyers and the only thing they found Clinton did illegally was lying to a grand jury (perjury) for which he was impeached but not found guilty. Yes i agree that a couple other people in his administration committed some trivial crimes like taking free tickets, etc., but every politician does that. I see your source is the Washington Times, which is owned by the Moonies. good source of info. Ha. you need to do better than this. As soon as Abramoff gets done confessing you are going to see a lot more of your republican friends in congress going to jail. how many politicians and staff members went to jail during the clinton administration; only a few. good try but not good enough. from the looks of all the emails you sent me it appears you have too much time on your hand. get a life and i agree with your parents; you shouldn't send them garbage."

A scathing reply but unfortunately for the left, it merely confirms what my earlier blog said about the pinkos being brainwashed.

According to CNN, he was a little off on how much Ken Starr, who by the way was appointed by Clinton, spent on his investigation. He said it was $75,000,000.00 or more but in reality;

“The figures show that Starr's office, through the end of November 1998, had spent $40,835,000. That includes $27,749,000 in direct expenses from independent counsel appropriations and $13,086,000 in unreimbursed expenses incurred by other government agencies.”

Also, according to the same CNN article;

“The most expensive independent counsel probe to date still belongs to Iran-Contra Counsel Lawrence Walsh, who spent $47.4 million.”

So, “when Clinton lied, nobody died” lives and thrives in the pinko minds like a flesh eating bacteria devouring their skulls full of mush. But if you are interested in seeing the “trivial crimes” committed by Clinton and his group, check out this site;


There are just too many to list here.

I have to give him credit for noting rightfully so that the “Washington Times” is owned by the NWC, or New world Communications, Inc. and that this corporation was founded by Sun Myung Moon. So, according to him, the pinko, any information that he doesn’t like that comes from the Washington Times he can discredit. Since it has been proven that the Washington Times is as far right of center as most other papers are to the left of center, does that mean we should discredit all information from those papers too? No and a rather lame pinko argument.

He says;

“As soon as Abramoff gets done confessing you are going to see a lot more of your republican friends in congress going to jail.” Abamoff has implicated as many if not more democrats than republicans. Keep trying.

And then, finally after all the stuff he was wrong about he said I, yours truly, have too much time on my hands and that I should “get a life and i agree with your parents; you shouldn't send them garbage”. The truth is only garbage to the left when it proves them wrong and most of the time it does. All you pinkos stick together.

I appreciate the feedback I get from those on the left and right. But you still owe me dinner.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Brainwashing; It's Not Just For Kids Anymore

When is the last time you saw a political bumper sticker from the right that was obscene and filled with outright hatred? I was caught behind a gas guzzling SUV at a stop light the other day and there, right in front of me was a bumper sticker that simply said, “F_ _ _ Bush”. I wasn’t shocked since I have become use to such mindless and inane banter from those affiliated with a party that lends itself to the politics of destruction but it was amazing to see that the driver looked like a soccer mom and she had her kids in there with her. Allowing this person to speak her mind is what our country is about, unfortunately we allowed her to breed too.

I would wager any amount that the extent of that woman’s political involvement ended at the back bumper of her gas guzzling SUV. Her politics most likely includes watching Al Gore’s movie about global warming and you can count on all her political arguments ending with the phrase, “When Clinton lied, nobody died”, (I just exhaled in disgust and frustration).

And so, even if no one reads my blog and I am merely battling windmills here, I shall plod on. I write this for me, to vent. And maybe there are some out there who read it so they don’t feel so alone in their views. Twice I thought about quitting but it ain’t happening. Let us ask this question; If Sam blogs in the forest and nobody reads it, are the pinkos still brainwashed?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Take Off the Gloves

If and when we finally decide to win in Iraq, we should look back to January 12th, 1938. On that day, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order Number 8381. What this did was “Define Certain Vital Military and Naval Installations and Equipment”. Simply put, it gave the President the right to censor specific military issues. Stop screaming for a minute and listen.

“On 17 August 1942, a nationally syndicated columnist wrote that she had received “a very stern letter” about her remarks on the weather, “… and so from now on I shall not tell you whether it rains or whether the sun shines where I happen to be.” The columnist was Eleanor Roosevelt and she was referring to an article in which she had described weather conditions during one of her official visits around the country with her husband, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, during World War II. That the First Lady would receive such a reprimand reveals much about the nature, scope, and effectiveness of censorship in wartime America.”

That paragraph was taken from the book “Secrets of Victory: The Office of Censorship and The American Press and Radio in World War II” by Michael S. Sweeney. Was there an outcry at the time? Did people view it as the apocalypse of democracy? Was the government viewed as “Evil Big Brother” silencing individual voices of reason? No, it was simply seen as what it was; a necessary step taken to win a war.

The President should throw every news reporter, newspaper columnist and anyone else that is involved in the media out of Iraq. Anyone caught sending video or emails from Iraq concerning the war should be charged with treason. Even camera phone pictures should be band. This would be the first of two steps that would guarantee victory.

The second step would be to give the military unrestricted ability to wage war. No more Mr. Niceguy. The order should be to do whatever it takes; crush, kill, destroy, anything for victory. They would be free to win without scrutiny from a press that has an obvious agenda. We have the mightiest military in the world; this should be a cake walk.

The left has politicized the war, they are critical of every move and the press is complicit in it. Let them howl and let them rant. Most Americans are against the way the war is being fought because they are under the impression that we are losing. Most Americans want to win. Let’s fight it to win; we will let the press know when it’s over.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Nice...But Does It Come In Pinko?

I love my parents. Not many are blessed the way my siblings and I are to have such good role models and such caring people as our two parents. They have always been there for us and I hope to be able to return the favor as they grow older but my parents are pinkos. This may sound harsh and to those on the left that hate labels, (except when they fit their agendas), they may think I am being cruel; but none of this changes the fact that my parents are pinkos. A pinko is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary as “One who holds moderately leftist political views”. So my parents may actually be extreme pinkos but I will let that one slide. Growing up they didn’t seem like pinkos to me, they seemed kind of politically neutral but they sure ain’t neutral anymore. So what happened? How did this pinkoness get under their skin like a tick, spreading left wing venom and causing a debilitating commie Lyme disease? I think I know.

A few years ago my parents moved to Jupiter Florida, a beautiful place just north of West Palm on the east coast. They both love it there although it gets a little too warm for my mother in the summer. I don’t think there could be a more ideal place to retire with lots of stuff to do and they have a lot of family and friends in the area too. Paradise? Physically yes but there is something strange going on in Jupiter.

I first noticed slight, almost imperceptible changes; nothing to get alarmed about or even concerned. But as time went by, signs began to pop up that were more obvious and in some cases, scary. They began to defend things they never would before to support people on the left. Everyone on the right was becoming increasingly “evil” with greed the driving force behind the “right wing extremist” agenda. All the problems that existed in America and for that matter all around the world were the fault of the right and more importantly Republicans. My parents were becoming left wing zombies. In almost monotone voices I would hear things like; “When Clinton lied, nobody died”, “Bush is a liar”, “the entire world hates America because of Bush”, “Bush stole the election”, “the Supreme Court was paid off by Bush”, “Iraq is Bush’s war” and “Impeach Bush!”. They are normal people in all other aspects of their lives but the mere mention of the word “Bush” will send them into convulsions, foaming at the mouth, spewing obscenities like a Tourettes riddled pirate on crack. They have become creatures of the left, pinkos. Is there an antidote? Perhaps, but first we must find the cause.

In my search for the cause of the mind control that is unarguably occurring in Jupiter, I came across a study by a UCLA political scientist named Tim Groseclose. In his study he wanted to find out if the media was biased towards either the left or right and then see why they leaned in either direction. According to the “UCLA News”;

“These are just a few of the surprising findings from a UCLA-led study, which is believed to be the first successful attempt at objectively quantifying bias in a range of media outlets and ranking them accordingly.
"I suspected that many media outlets would tilt to the left because surveys have shown that reporters tend to vote more Democrat than Republican," said Tim Groseclose, a UCLA political scientist and the study's lead author. "But I was surprised at just how pronounced the distinctions are."

Some people on the left have already stopped reading this. I can hear them now saying (in that same monotone voice) that this is a lie; “Tim Groseclose must be a right wing extremist that works for Bush” but it ain’t true;

“The researchers took numerous steps to safeguard against bias — or the appearance of same — in the work, which took close to three years to complete. They went to great lengths to ensure that as many research assistants supported Democratic candidate Al Gore in the 2000 election as supported President George Bush. They also sought no outside funding, a rarity in scholarly research.” This from the UCLA News article.

I have noticed that the left wing media machine that has brainwashed so many into becoming pinkos has built in a mechanism that makes the zombies of the left immediately shut out anything that is in disagreement with the propaganda that has worked it’s mind altering magic on them. Sudden and undeniable truths that counter the left wing brainwashing may have drastic results. It reminds me of how Austin Powers made the heads of the fembots explode by doing his alternate sexual dance and I don’t want to be responsible for any exploding pinko craniums.

Groseclose went on to say in the study almost all news reporting and news shows were left leaning;

“Of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 scored left of center, with CBS' "Evening News," The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal.
Only Fox News' "Special Report With Brit Hume" and The Washington Times scored right of the average U.S. voter.
The most centrist outlet proved to be the "NewsHour With Jim Lehrer." CNN's "NewsNight With Aaron Brown" and ABC's "Good Morning America" were a close second and third.”

My parents have been drenched in the radioactive fallout of the left. Like the zombies in “Night of the Living Dead”, they march forth blindly seeking only more left wing news and stories to feed on. Remember what they had to do to stop those zombies? It wasn’t pretty.

“The fourth most centrist outlet was "Special Report With Brit Hume" on Fox News, which often is cited by liberals as an egregious example of a right-wing outlet. While this news program proved to be right of center, the study found ABC's "World News Tonight" and NBC's "Nightly News" to be left of center. All three outlets were approximately equidistant from the center, the report found.” This according to the UCLA study.

Without tying my parents to their easy chairs, duct taping their eyes open and exposing them 24 hours a day to FOX News and Rush Limbaugh for three years straight in an attempt at balance, there is no hope for them.

After ten years of reading the “Palm Beach Post” and watching CNN, my parents have left me politically. I can see that there is no bringing them back, they will march forth toward whatever their pinkoness leads them to. But fear not, other than being able to vote they really can’t do too much harm, besides, they both can still cook and for that alone I can put up with an awful lot.

Monday, May 7, 2007

The Truth About Lying And Liars

According to the American Heritage Dictionary, to “lie” is to “make a false statement deliberately presented as true”.

The left says the war in Iraq is based on the lies of President Bush. The left says the President is a liar like it is a given and not disputable. I shall debunk their wacky notions right here and now. I will not accept the idea that Bush is a liar and the war in Iraq is based on the words of said alleged liar. I am going to put forth the truth and from now on I shall refer to this blog when the lefty pinkos attempt to start their moronic arguments with “givens” that are not “given”.

It has to first be understood where the left is coming from when those of that political malady say that Bush is a liar. I am going to go where the left hates to go and that is into the real truth about Clinton because that is where this all stems from. It is undisputable and not arguable that Clinton was and most likely still is a liar. He lied about Monica, he lied about the burning churches in Arkansas when he was young and he lied about Jennifer Flowers. There is nothing the left can say about any of those lies except that those types of lies don’t matter. Since it is without a doubt that Clinton lied, the bar for lying has been raised and now it isn’t a question of lying anymore but only a question of what is being lied about. Since we know Clinton is a liar we must assume he lies about things we don’t know about. The left will chant their insane mantra; “When Clinton lied, nobody died”, and as far as we know, nobody did; but a perfectly good dress was ruined and Sandy Burger made sure that at least some of the lies will forever go unchallenged.

Clinton lied to a grand jury about Monica Lewinsky when he was being investigated in a sexual harassment suit. If my memory serves me, a guy named Scooter is going to prison for perjury and we still have no idea what he lied about. But I don’t want to get side tracked here. The left will merely write this lie off as a feeble attempt by a love starved, middle aged man, longing for the attentions of a young woman to some how recapture his fleeting youth. Or maybe he just wanted a hummer but whatever the reason, those on the left unable to deny Clinton is a liar always ask the question; “well, wouldn’t you lie about that so your wife wouldn’t find out?” Perhaps most men would lie to a grand jury about that but if they did and got caught most men would go to jail.

And what about those burning black churches that Mr. Bill seems to remember burning in Arkansas when he was young? According to the “Daily Republican”, June 10th, 1996, President William Jefferson Clinton said;

"In our country during the '50s and '60s, black churches were burned to intimidate civil rights workers. I have vivid and painful memories of black churches being burned in my own state when I was a child."

The problem is there were no black churches burned in Arkansas during that time period. And so it goes on. He later said he remembers fires at “black community buildings”, not churches. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

I don’t think I really need to go into the Jennifer Flowers thing; it would just be rubbing salt into the wound at this point. I have made my point that the greatest Democrat icon of the last 15 years was a liar through and through.

This is all leading up to the left’s contention that Bush is a liar and that the magnitude of his lies far out weigh those of Clinton’s because we are at war because of those alleged lies. But wait a minute; didn’t President Bush get his war intelligence from George Tenet? And wasn’t Tenet hired by Clinton? And didn’t Tenet give Clinton the same information he gave Bush? And wasn’t the senate intelligence committee given the same intelligence? And didn’t the senate and the house both vote to invade Iraq based on that intelligence? Yes yes yes yes yes. So can someone please tell me what Bush lied about? There are a plethora of quotes from democrat leaders supporting the invasion of Iraq based on the same intelligence Bush was given. If anyone lied, it was Tenet and I don’t think he knowingly did. Even the pompous and snooty Kerry thought the invasion to be warranted;

"Kerry categorically declared that “Iraq has chemical and biological weapons” and even claimed that most elements of Iraq’s chemical and biological weapons programs were “larger and more advanced than they were before the Gulf War.” Furthermore, Kerry asserted that Iraq was “attempting to develop nuclear weapons,” backing up this accusation by claiming that “all U.S. intelligence experts agree” with such an assessment. He also alleged that “Iraq is developing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) capable of delivering chemical and biological warfare agents, which could threaten Iraq’s neighbors as well as American forces in the Persian Gulf.”

That according to commondreams.org.

I realize most of you on the left who may have taken the time to read this are brewing up a lot of “ya buts” and snickering about propaganda and right wing conspiracies. But if you are being honest with yourself, you have to know that despite what you may think of President Bush’s policies, he is not a liar. He has made mistakes and he is a little too liberal for my liking but he isn’t a liar.